{{ target: partial-label-desc }}

Text label of ${name}, to explain some data information about graphic item like value, name and so on. label is placed under itemStyle in ECharts 2.x. In ECharts 3, to make the configuration structure flatter, labelis taken to be at the same level with itemStyle, and has emphasis as itemStyle does.

{{ target: partial-label }}

#${prefix} show(boolean) = ${defaultShowLabel|default(“false”)}

Whether to show label.

{{ if: !${noPosition} }} #${prefix} position(string|Array) = ${defaultPosition}

{{ use: partial-label-position() }} {{ /if }}

{{ if: !${noDistance} }} #${prefix} distance(number) = 5

Distance to the host graphic element.

{{ if: !${noPosition} }} It is valid only when position is string value (like 'top''insideRight').

See: label position. {{ /if }} {{ /if }}

{{ if: !${noRotate} }} #${prefix} rotate(number) = ${defaultRotate}

Rotate label, from -90 degree to 90, positive value represents rotate anti-clockwise.

See: label rotation. {{ /if }}

#${prefix} offset(Array)

Whether to move text slightly. For example: [30, 40] means move 30 horizontally and move 40 vertically.

{{ if: ${minMargin} }} #${prefix} minMargin(number)

{{ use: partial-version( version = “5.0.0” ) }}

Minimal margin between labels. Used when label has layout. {{ /if }}

{{ if: ${formatter} }} #${prefix} formatter(string|Function)

{{ use: partial-2d-data-label-formatter( extra = ${formatterExtra} ) }}

{{ elif: ${formatter1d} }} #${prefix} formatter(string|Function)

{{ use: partial-1d-data-label-formatter( extra = ${formatterExtra} ) }} {{ /if }}

{{ if: !${noTextStyle} }} {{ use: partial-text-style( prefix = ${prefix}, noAlign = ${noAlign}, noVerticalAlign = ${noVerticalAlign}, name = ${name}, defaultColor = ${defaultColor}, defaultPadding = ${defaultPadding}, defaultFontSize = ${defaultFontSize}, noRich = ${noRich}, noBox = ${noBox}, enableAutoColor = true ) }} {{ /if }}

{{ target: partial-label-position }}

Label position.

**Followings are the options: **

  • [x, y]

    Use relative percentage, or absolute pixel values to represent position of label relative to top-left corner of bounding box. For example:

    // Absolute pixel values
    position: [10, 10],
    // Relative percentage
    position: ['50%', '50%']
  • ‘top’

  • ‘left’

  • ‘right’

  • ‘bottom’

  • ‘inside’

  • ‘insideLeft’

  • ‘insideRight’

  • ‘insideTop’

  • ‘insideBottom’

  • ‘insideTopLeft’

  • ‘insideBottomLeft’

  • ‘insideTopRight’

  • ‘insideBottomRight’

See: label position.