bump to 1.0.0: adding info/2, info/4
3 files changed
tree: c42f1652e2d526ecd53a99c2ee75db0dcaec938e
  1. doc/
  2. script/
  3. site/
  4. src/
  5. .gitignore
  6. docsite.erl
  8. README.md
  9. rebar


Recon wants to be a set of tools usable in production to diagnose Erlang problems or inspect production environment safely.

To build the library:

rebar compile

Documentation for the library can be obtained at http://ferd.github.io/recon/


  • 1.0.0: add info/2 and info/4. The memory info type thus gets renamed to memory_used, in order to avoid conflicts when picking between a type and a specific process attribute. Types exported by the module also get updated.
  • 0.4.2 (WIP): extended app_deps.erl to read apps/ directories for releases
  • 0.4.1: fixed bug where nodes with lots of processes could see the GC call fail if said processes failed between long calls within the bin_leak function call.
  • 0.4.0: fixed bug where nodes with lots of processes or ports could see their count or window functions fail because a process or socket closed between the time the function started and before it finished. This ends up changing the API in recon_lib for the window and count functions that take a specific pid as an argument.
  • 0.3.1: factored out some logic from recon:info/1 into recon_lib:term_to_pid and allowed arbitrary terms to be used for pids in recon:get_state/1.