[DEPRECATED] Apache Cordova wp7

Clone this repo:
  1. 8bd1dcf deprecation notice by Jan Piotrowski · 5 years ago master
  2. 2ad1094 Add github pull request template by Shazron Abdullah · 8 years ago
  3. 6b706b2 CB-6842 - Add license header to satisfy RAT tool by Jesse MacFadyen · 10 years ago
  4. 5c361be Killed the cordova-wp7 master branch by Benn Mapes · 11 years ago
  5. a4315a2 [CB-4350] Make WP7 check_reqs unix script executable so we can like, execute it on *nix. by Fil Maj · 11 years ago

📌 Deprecation Notice

This repository is deprecated and no more work will be done on this by Apache Cordova. You can continue to use this and it should work as-is but any future issues will not be fixed by the Cordova community.

Feel free to fork this repository and improve your fork. Existing forks are listed in Network and Forks.

Project has now been merged into the cordova-wp8 repository.