[DEPRECATED] Apache Cordova

Clone this repo:
  1. 1097b7f deprecation notice by Jan Piotrowski · 5 years ago master
  2. 658aac2 [CB-12762] point package.json repo to github instead of apache by Jesse MacFadyen · 6 years ago
  3. 28cd3c1 Add github pull request template by Shazron Abdullah · 8 years ago
  4. a66e07b CB-11733 Updated RELEASENOTES and Version for release 4.3.5 by David Barth · 8 years ago
  5. 375feed Merge pull request #15 from cordova-ubuntu/ldflags by David Barth · 8 years ago


📌 Deprecation Notice

This repository is deprecated and no more work will be done on this by Apache Cordova. You can continue to use this and it should work as-is but any future issues will not be fixed by the Cordova community.

Feel free to fork this repository and improve your fork. Existing forks are listed in Network and Forks.

Cordova/Ubuntu is the Ubuntu port of the Apache Cordova project.


  • Ubuntu SDK


Licensed under the APACHE-2.0 license. See LICENSE file for details.