blob: 057fb0fb3519f9310db8171004ef6cfd7d38433e [file] [log] [blame]
//>>excludeStart("jqmBuildExclude", pragmas.jqmBuildExclude);
//>>description: Color code converter
//>>label: Color library
//>>group: Tizen:Core
define( [
], function ( jQuery ) {
nearestInt: function(val) {
var theFloor = Math.floor(val);
return (((val - theFloor) > 0.5) ? (theFloor + 1) : theFloor);
* Converts html color string to rgb array.
* Input: string clr_str, where
* clr_str is of the form "#aabbcc"
* Returns: [ r, g, b ], where
* r is in [0, 1]
* g is in [0, 1]
* b is in [0, 1]
HTMLToRGB: function(clr_str) {
clr_str = (('#' == clr_str.charAt(0)) ? clr_str.substring(1) : clr_str);
return ([
clr_str.substring(0, 2),
clr_str.substring(2, 4),
clr_str.substring(4, 6)
].map(function(val) {
return parseInt(val, 16) / 255.0;
* Converts rgb array to html color string.
* Input: [ r, g, b ], where
* r is in [0, 1]
* g is in [0, 1]
* b is in [0, 1]
* Returns: string of the form "#aabbcc"
RGBToHTML: function(rgb) {
return ("#" + {
var ret = val * 255,
theFloor = Math.floor(ret);
ret = ((ret - theFloor > 0.5) ? (theFloor + 1) : theFloor);
ret = (((ret < 16) ? "0" : "") + (ret & 0xff).toString(16));
return ret;
* Converts hsl to rgb.
* From
* Input: [ h, s, l ], where
* h is in [0, 360]
* s is in [0, 1]
* l is in [0, 1]
* Returns: [ r, g, b ], where
* r is in [0, 1]
* g is in [0, 1]
* b is in [0, 1]
HSLToRGB: function(hsl) {
var h = hsl[0] / 360.0, s = hsl[1], l = hsl[2];
if (0 === s)
return [ l, l, l ];
var temp2 = ((l < 0.5)
? l * (1.0 + s)
: l + s - l * s),
temp1 = 2.0 * l - temp2,
temp3 = {
r: h + 1.0 / 3.0,
g: h,
b: h - 1.0 / 3.0
temp3.r = ((temp3.r < 0) ? (temp3.r + 1.0) : ((temp3.r > 1) ? (temp3.r - 1.0) : temp3.r));
temp3.g = ((temp3.g < 0) ? (temp3.g + 1.0) : ((temp3.g > 1) ? (temp3.g - 1.0) : temp3.g));
temp3.b = ((temp3.b < 0) ? (temp3.b + 1.0) : ((temp3.b > 1) ? (temp3.b - 1.0) : temp3.b));
ret = [
(((6.0 * temp3.r) < 1) ? (temp1 + (temp2 - temp1) * 6.0 * temp3.r) :
(((2.0 * temp3.r) < 1) ? temp2 :
(((3.0 * temp3.r) < 2) ? (temp1 + (temp2 - temp1) * ((2.0 / 3.0) - temp3.r) * 6.0) :
(((6.0 * temp3.g) < 1) ? (temp1 + (temp2 - temp1) * 6.0 * temp3.g) :
(((2.0 * temp3.g) < 1) ? temp2 :
(((3.0 * temp3.g) < 2) ? (temp1 + (temp2 - temp1) * ((2.0 / 3.0) - temp3.g) * 6.0) :
(((6.0 * temp3.b) < 1) ? (temp1 + (temp2 - temp1) * 6.0 * temp3.b) :
(((2.0 * temp3.b) < 1) ? temp2 :
(((3.0 * temp3.b) < 2) ? (temp1 + (temp2 - temp1) * ((2.0 / 3.0) - temp3.b) * 6.0) :
return ret;
* Converts hsv to rgb.
* Input: [ h, s, v ], where
* h is in [0, 360]
* s is in [0, 1]
* v is in [0, 1]
* Returns: [ r, g, b ], where
* r is in [0, 1]
* g is in [0, 1]
* b is in [0, 1]
HSVToRGB: function(hsv) {
return $.mobile.tizen.clrlib.HSLToRGB($.mobile.tizen.clrlib.HSVToHSL(hsv));
* Converts rgb to hsv.
* from
* Input: [ r, g, b ], where
* r is in [0, 1]
* g is in [0, 1]
* b is in [0, 1]
* Returns: [ h, s, v ], where
* h is in [0, 360]
* s is in [0, 1]
* v is in [0, 1]
RGBToHSV: function(rgb) {
var min, max, delta, h, s, v, r = rgb[0], g = rgb[1], b = rgb[2];
min = Math.min(r, Math.min(g, b));
max = Math.max(r, Math.max(g, b));
delta = max - min;
h = 0;
s = 0;
v = max;
if (delta > 0.00001) {
s = delta / max;
if (r === max)
h = (g - b) / delta ;
if (g === max)
h = 2 + (b - r) / delta ;
h = 4 + (r - g) / delta ;
h *= 60 ;
if (h < 0)
h += 360 ;
return [h, s, v];
* Converts hsv to hsl.
* Input: [ h, s, v ], where
* h is in [0, 360]
* s is in [0, 1]
* v is in [0, 1]
* Returns: [ h, s, l ], where
* h is in [0, 360]
* s is in [0, 1]
* l is in [0, 1]
HSVToHSL: function(hsv) {
var max = hsv[2],
delta = hsv[1] * max,
min = max - delta,
sum = max + min,
half_sum = sum / 2,
s_divisor = ((half_sum < 0.5) ? sum : (2 - max - min));
return [ hsv[0], ((0 == s_divisor) ? 0 : (delta / s_divisor)), half_sum ];
* Converts rgb to hsl
* Input: [ r, g, b ], where
* r is in [0, 1]
* g is in [0, 1]
* b is in [0, 1]
* Returns: [ h, s, l ], where
* h is in [0, 360]
* s is in [0, 1]
* l is in [0, 1]
RGBToHSL: function(rgb) {
return $.mobile.tizen.clrlib.HSVToHSL($.mobile.tizen.clrlib.RGBToHSV(rgb));
//>>excludeStart("jqmBuildExclude", pragmas.jqmBuildExclude);
} );