blob: 8768b64aec7507f157e05e8389370c5b5dbb0c56 [file] [log] [blame]
var shell = require('shelljs'),
path = require('path'),
n = require('ncallbacks'),
commit_list = require('./commit_list'),
couch = require('../couchdb/interface');
var libDir = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'lib');
var num_commits = 20;
module.exports = function(commits, callback) {
// commits format:
// {
// cordova-android:sha
// }
// OR:
// {
// cordova-android:{
// sha:sha,
// devices:[id1, id2]
// }
// }
var number_of_updates = 0;
for (var repo in commits) if (commits.hasOwnProperty(repo)) number_of_updates++;
var end = n(number_of_updates, function() {
console.log('[UPDATER] Finished updating ' + number_of_updates + ' repos.');
for (var repo in commits) if (commits.hasOwnProperty(repo)) (function(lib) {
console.log('[UPDATER] Grabbing latest for ' + lib);
// shell out to git
var libPath = path.join(libDir, lib);
shell.exec('cd ' + libPath + ' && git checkout -- . && git pull origin master', {silent:true, async:true}, function(res) {
if (res.code > 0) throw ('Failed git-pull\'ing ' + libPath + '!\n' + res.output);
// update couch if necessary
var latest_shas = commit_list.recent(lib, num_commits);
couch.cordova_commits.get(lib, function(error, response) {
if (error) console.error('[COUCH] [ERROR] Could not retrieve latest commits from couch.');
else {
var stored_shas = response.shas;
if (stored_shas[0] != latest_shas.shas[0]) {
// we should update the shas.
couch.cordova_commits.clobber(lib, latest_shas, function(err, res) {
if (err) {
console.error('[COUCH] [ERROR] Could not update commits for ' + lib, err);
} else {
console.log('[COUCH] Cordova commits for ' + lib + ' updated.');
} else {
console.log('[COUCH] ' + lib + ' already has most recent commits.');