blob: 6b6564703228c2ec1a4f814e36bf696920459382 [file] [log] [blame]
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
const fs = require('node:fs');
const path = require('node:path');
const semver = require('semver');
const url = require('url');
const detectIndent = require('detect-indent');
const cordova_util = require('../util');
const plugin_util = require('./util');
const cordova_pkgJson = require('../../../package.json');
const pluginSpec = require('./plugin_spec_parser');
const plugman = require('../../plugman/plugman');
const chainMap = require('../../util/promise-util').Q_chainmap;
const ConfigParser = require('cordova-common').ConfigParser;
const CordovaError = require('cordova-common').CordovaError;
const PluginInfoProvider = require('cordova-common').PluginInfoProvider;
const events = require('cordova-common').events;
const preparePlatforms = require('../prepare/platforms');
module.exports = add;
module.exports.determinePluginTarget = determinePluginTarget;
module.exports.parseSource = parseSource;
module.exports.getVersionFromConfigFile = getVersionFromConfigFile;
module.exports.getFetchVersion = getFetchVersion;
module.exports.determinePluginVersionToFetch = determinePluginVersionToFetch;
module.exports.getFailedRequirements = getFailedRequirements;
module.exports.findVersion = findVersion;
module.exports.listUnmetRequirements = listUnmetRequirements;
function add (projectRoot, hooksRunner, opts) {
if (!opts.plugins || !opts.plugins.length) {
return Promise.reject(new CordovaError('No plugin specified. Please specify a plugin to add.'));
let pluginInfo;
let shouldRunPrepare = false;
const pluginPath = path.join(projectRoot, 'plugins');
const platformList = cordova_util.listPlatforms(projectRoot);
const xml = cordova_util.projectConfig(projectRoot);
const cfg = new ConfigParser(xml);
let searchPath = opts.searchpath;
if (typeof searchPath === 'string') {
searchPath = searchPath.split(path.delimiter);
// Blank it out to appease unit tests.
if (searchPath && searchPath.length === 0) {
searchPath = undefined;
opts.cordova = { plugins: cordova_util.findPlugins(pluginPath) };
return'before_plugin_add', opts)
.then(function () {
const pluginInfoProvider = new PluginInfoProvider();
return opts.plugins.reduce(function (soFar, target) {
return soFar.then(function () {
if (target[target.length - 1] === path.sep) {
target = target.substring(0, target.length - 1);
// Fetch the plugin first.
const fetchOptions = {
searchpath: searchPath,
noregistry: opts.noregistry,
nohooks: opts.nohooks,
variables: opts.cli_variables,
is_top_level: true,
save_exact: opts.save_exact || false,
production: opts.production
return module.exports.determinePluginTarget(projectRoot, cfg, target, fetchOptions).then(function (resolvedTarget) {
target = resolvedTarget;
events.emit('verbose', 'Calling plugman.fetch on plugin "' + target + '"');
return plugman.fetch(target, pluginPath, fetchOptions);
}).then(function (directory) {
return pluginInfoProvider.get(directory);
}).then(function (plugInfoProvider) {
pluginInfo = plugInfoProvider;
return plugin_util.mergeVariables(pluginInfo, cfg, opts);
}).then(function (variables) {
opts.cli_variables = variables;
// Iterate (in serial!) over all platforms in the project and install the plugin.
return chainMap(platformList, function (platform) {
const platformRoot = path.join(projectRoot, 'platforms', platform);
const options = {
cli_variables: opts.cli_variables || {},
searchpath: searchPath,
noregistry: opts.noregistry,
// Set up platform to install asset files/js modules to <platform>/platform_www dir
// instead of <platform>/www. This is required since on each prepare platform's www dir is changed
// and files from 'platform_www' merged into 'www'. Thus we need to persist these
// files platform_www directory, so they'll be applied to www on each prepare.
usePlatformWww: true,
nohooks: opts.nohooks,
force: opts.force,
save_exact: opts.save_exact || false,
production: opts.production
events.emit('verbose', 'Calling plugman.install on plugin "' + pluginInfo.dir + '" for platform "' + platform);
return plugman.install(platform, platformRoot,, pluginPath, options)
.then(function (didPrepare) {
// If platform does not returned anything we'll need
// to trigger a prepare after all plugins installed
if (!didPrepare) shouldRunPrepare = true;
.then(_ => pluginInfo);
}).then(function (pluginInfo) {
let pkgJson;
const pkgJsonPath = path.join(projectRoot, 'package.json');
// save to package.json
if ( {
// If statement to see if pkgJsonPath exists in the filesystem
if (fs.existsSync(pkgJsonPath)) {
// Delete any previous caches of require(package.json)
pkgJson = cordova_util.requireNoCache(pkgJsonPath);
// If package.json exists, the plugin object and plugin name
// will be added to package.json if not already there.
if (pkgJson) {
pkgJson.cordova = pkgJson.cordova || {};
pkgJson.cordova.plugins = pkgJson.cordova.plugins || {};
// Plugin and variables are added.
pkgJson.cordova.plugins[] = opts.cli_variables;
events.emit('log', 'Adding ' + + ' to package.json');
// Write to package.json
const file = fs.readFileSync(pkgJsonPath, 'utf8');
const indent = detectIndent(file).indent || ' ';
fs.writeFileSync(pkgJsonPath, JSON.stringify(pkgJson, null, indent), 'utf8');
const src = module.exports.parseSource(target, opts);
const attributes = {
if (src) {
attributes.spec = src;
} else {
const ver = '~' + pluginInfo.version;
if (pkgJson && pkgJson.dependencies && pkgJson.dependencies[]) {
attributes.spec = pkgJson.dependencies[];
} else if (pkgJson && pkgJson.devDependencies && pkgJson.devDependencies[]) {
attributes.spec = pkgJson.devDependencies[];
} else {
attributes.spec = ver;
}, Promise.resolve());
}).then(function () {
// CB-11022 We do not need to run prepare after plugin install until shouldRunPrepare flag is set to true
if (!shouldRunPrepare) {
return Promise.resolve();
// Need to require right here instead of doing this at the beginning of file
// otherwise tests are failing without any real reason.
// TODO: possible circular dependency?
return preparePlatforms(platformList, projectRoot, opts);
}).then(function () {
opts.cordova = { plugins: cordova_util.findPlugins(pluginPath) };
return'after_plugin_add', opts);
function determinePluginTarget (projectRoot, cfg, target, fetchOptions) {
const parsedSpec = pluginSpec.parse(target);
const id = parsedSpec.package || target;
// CB-10975 We need to resolve relative path to plugin dir from app's root before checking whether if it exists
const maybeDir = cordova_util.fixRelativePath(id);
if (parsedSpec.version || cordova_util.isUrl(id) || cordova_util.isDirectory(maybeDir)) {
return Promise.resolve(target);
// Require project pkgJson.
let pkgJson;
const pkgJsonPath = path.join(projectRoot, 'package.json');
const cordovaVersion = cordova_pkgJson.version;
if (fs.existsSync(pkgJsonPath)) {
pkgJson = cordova_util.requireNoCache(pkgJsonPath);
// If no parsedSpec.version, use the one from pkg.json or config.xml.
if (!parsedSpec.version) {
// Retrieve from pkg.json.
if (pkgJson && pkgJson.dependencies && pkgJson.dependencies[id]) {
events.emit('verbose', 'No version specified for ' + id + ', retrieving version from package.json');
parsedSpec.version = pkgJson.dependencies[id];
} else if (pkgJson && pkgJson.devDependencies && pkgJson.devDependencies[id]) {
events.emit('verbose', 'No version specified for ' + id + ', retrieving version from package.json');
parsedSpec.version = pkgJson.devDependencies[id];
} else {
// If no version is specified, retrieve the version (or source) from config.xml.
events.emit('verbose', 'No version specified for ' + id + ', retrieving version from config.xml');
parsedSpec.version = module.exports.getVersionFromConfigFile(id, cfg);
// If parsedSpec.version satisfies pkgJson version, no writing to pkg.json. Only write when
// it does not satisfy.
/* if (parsedSpec.version) {
if (pkgJson && pkgJson.dependencies && pkgJson.dependencies[parsedSpec.package]) {
//it can only go in here if
var noSymbolVersion = parsedSpec.version;
if (parsedSpec.version.charAt(0) === '^' || parsedSpec.version.charAt(0) === '~') {
noSymbolVersion = parsedSpec.version.slice(1);
if (cordova_util.isUrl(parsedSpec.version) || cordova_util.isDirectory(parsedSpec.version)) {
if (pkgJson.dependencies[parsedSpec.package] !== parsedSpec.version) {
pkgJson.dependencies[parsedSpec.package] = parsedSpec.version;
if ( === true) {
fs.writeFileSync(pkgJsonPath, JSON.stringify(pkgJson, null, 2), 'utf8');
} else if (!semver.satisfies(noSymbolVersion, pkgJson.dependencies[parsedSpec.package])) {
pkgJson.dependencies[parsedSpec.package] = parsedSpec.version;
if ( === true) {
fs.writeFileSync(pkgJsonPath, JSON.stringify(pkgJson, null, 2), 'utf8');
} */
if (cordova_util.isUrl(parsedSpec.version) || cordova_util.isDirectory(parsedSpec.version)) {
return Promise.resolve(parsedSpec.version);
// If version exists in pkg.json or config.xml, use that.
if (parsedSpec.version) {
return Promise.resolve(id + '@' + parsedSpec.version);
// If no version is given at all and we are fetching from npm, we
// can attempt to use the Cordova dependencies the plugin lists in
// their package.json
const shouldUseNpmInfo = !fetchOptions.searchpath && !fetchOptions.noregistry;
events.emit('verbose', 'No version for ' + parsedSpec.package + ' saved in config.xml or package.json');
if (shouldUseNpmInfo) {
events.emit('verbose', 'Attempting to use npm info for ' + parsedSpec.package + ' to choose a compatible release');
} else {
events.emit('verbose', 'Not checking npm info for ' + parsedSpec.package + ' because searchpath or noregistry flag was given');
// if noregistry or searchpath are true, then shouldUseNpmInfo is false. Just return target
// else run `npm info` on the target via so we could get
// engines elemenent in package.json. Pass that info to getFetchVersion
// which determines the correct plugin to fetch based on engines element.
return (shouldUseNpmInfo
.then(function (pluginInfo) {
return module.exports.getFetchVersion(projectRoot, pluginInfo, cordovaVersion);
: Promise.resolve(null))
.then(function (fetchVersion) {
return fetchVersion ? (id + '@' + fetchVersion) : target;
function parseSource (target, opts) {
// @todo Use 'url.URL' constructor instead since 'url.parse' was deprecated since v11.0.0
var uri = url.parse(target); // eslint-disable-line
if (uri.protocol && uri.protocol !== 'file:' && uri.protocol[1] !== ':' && !target.match(/^\w+:\\/)) {
return target;
} else {
const plugin_dir = cordova_util.fixRelativePath(path.join(target, (opts.subdir || '.')));
if (fs.existsSync(plugin_dir)) {
return target;
return null;
function getVersionFromConfigFile (plugin, cfg) {
const parsedSpec = pluginSpec.parse(plugin);
const pluginEntry = cfg.getPlugin(;
return pluginEntry && pluginEntry.spec;
* Gets the version of a plugin that should be fetched for a given project based
* on the plugin's engine information from NPM and the platforms/plugins installed
* in the project. The cordovaDependencies object in the package.json's engines
* entry takes the form of an object that maps plugin versions to a series of
* constraints and semver ranges. For example:
* { plugin-version: { constraint: semver-range, ...}, ...}
* Constraint can be a plugin, platform, or cordova version. Plugin-version
* can be either a single version (e.g. 3.0.0) or an upper bound (e.g. <3.0.0)
* @param {string} projectRoot The path to the root directory of the project
* @param {object} pluginInfo The NPM info of the plugin to be fetched (e.g. the
* result of calling ``)
* @param {string} cordovaVersion The semver version of cordova-lib
* @return {Promise} A promise that will resolve to either a string
* if there is a version of the plugin that this
* project satisfies or null if there is not
function getFetchVersion (projectRoot, pluginInfo, cordovaVersion) {
// Figure out the project requirements
if (pluginInfo.engines && pluginInfo.engines.cordovaDependencies) {
// grab array of already installed plugins
const pluginList = plugin_util.getInstalledPlugins(projectRoot);
const pluginMap = {};
pluginList.forEach(function (plugin) {
pluginMap[] = plugin.version;
return cordova_util.getInstalledPlatformsWithVersions(projectRoot)
.then(function (platformVersions) {
return module.exports.determinePluginVersionToFetch(
} else {
// If we have no engine, we want to fall back to the default behavior
events.emit('verbose', 'npm info for ' + + ' did not contain any engine info. Fetching latest release');
return Promise.resolve(null);
// For upper bounds in cordovaDependencies
const UPPER_BOUND_REGEX = /^<\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/;
* The engine entry maps plugin versions to constraints like so:
* {
* '1.0.0' : { 'cordova': '<5.0.0' },
* '<2.0.0': {
* 'cordova': '>=5.0.0',
* 'cordova-ios': '~5.0.0',
* 'cordova-plugin-camera': '~5.0.0'
* },
* '3.0.0' : { 'cordova-ios': '>5.0.0' }
* }
* TODO: provide a better function description once logic is groked
* TODO: update comment below once tests are rewritten/moved around.
* See cordova-spec/plugin_fetch.spec.js for test cases and examples
function determinePluginVersionToFetch (pluginInfo, pluginMap, platformMap, cordovaVersion) {
const allVersions = pluginInfo.versions;
const engine = pluginInfo.engines.cordovaDependencies;
const name =;
// Filters out pre-release versions
const latest = semver.maxSatisfying(allVersions, '>=0.0.0');
const versions = [];
let upperBound = null;
let upperBoundRange = null;
let upperBoundExists = false;
// TODO: lots of 'versions' being thrown around in this function: cordova version,
// platform version, plugin version. The below for loop: what version is it
// iterating over? plugin version? please clarify the variable name.
for (const version in engine) {
// if a single version && less than latest
if (semver.valid(semver.clean(version)) && semver.lte(version, latest)) {
} else {
// Check if this is an upperbound; validRange() handles whitespace
const cleanedRange = semver.validRange(version);
if (cleanedRange && UPPER_BOUND_REGEX.exec(cleanedRange)) {
upperBoundExists = true;
// We only care about the highest upper bound that our project does not support
if (module.exports.getFailedRequirements(engine[version], pluginMap, platformMap, cordovaVersion).length !== 0) {
const maxMatchingUpperBound = cleanedRange.substring(1);
if (maxMatchingUpperBound && (!upperBound ||, upperBound))) {
upperBound = maxMatchingUpperBound;
upperBoundRange = version;
} else {
events.emit('verbose', 'Ignoring invalid version in ' + name + ' cordovaDependencies: ' + version + ' (must be a single version <= latest or an upper bound)');
// If there were no valid requirements, we fall back to old behavior
if (!upperBoundExists && versions.length === 0) {
events.emit('verbose', 'Ignoring ' + name + ' cordovaDependencies entry because it did not contain any valid plugin version entries');
return null;
// Handle the lower end of versions by giving them a satisfied engine
if (!module.exports.findVersion(versions, '0.0.0')) {
engine['0.0.0'] = {};
// Add an entry after the upper bound to handle the versions above the
// upper bound but below the next entry. For example: 0.0.0, <1.0.0, 2.0.0
// needs a 1.0.0 entry that has the same engine as 0.0.0
if (upperBound && !module.exports.findVersion(versions, upperBound) && !, latest)) {
let below = semver.maxSatisfying(versions, upperBoundRange);
// Get the original entry without trimmed whitespace
below = below ? module.exports.findVersion(versions, below) : null;
engine[upperBound] = below ? engine[below] : {};
// Sort in descending order; we want to start at latest and work back
for (let i = 0; i < versions.length; i++) {
if (upperBound &&[i], upperBound)) {
// Because we sorted in desc. order, if the upper bound we found
// applies to this version (and thus the ones below) we can just
// quit
const range = i ? ('>=' + versions[i] + ' <' + versions[i - 1]) : ('>=' + versions[i]);
const maxMatchingVersion = semver.maxSatisfying(allVersions, range);
if (maxMatchingVersion && module.exports.getFailedRequirements(engine[versions[i]], pluginMap, platformMap, cordovaVersion).length === 0) {
// Because we sorted in descending order, we can stop searching once
// we hit a satisfied constraint
if (maxMatchingVersion !== latest) {
const failedReqs = module.exports.getFailedRequirements(engine[versions[0]], pluginMap, platformMap, cordovaVersion);
// Warn the user that we are not fetching latest
module.exports.listUnmetRequirements(name, failedReqs);
events.emit('warn', 'Fetching highest version of ' + name + ' that this project supports: ' + maxMatchingVersion + ' (latest is ' + latest + ')');
return maxMatchingVersion;
// No version of the plugin is satisfied. In this case, we fall back to
// fetching the latest version, but also output a warning
const latestFailedReqs = versions.length > 0 ? module.exports.getFailedRequirements(engine[versions[0]], pluginMap, platformMap, cordovaVersion) : [];
// If the upper bound is greater than latest, we need to combine its engine
// requirements with latest to print out in the warning
if (upperBound && semver.satisfies(latest, upperBoundRange)) {
const upperFailedReqs = module.exports.getFailedRequirements(engine[upperBoundRange], pluginMap, platformMap, cordovaVersion);
upperFailedReqs.forEach(function (failedReq) {
for (let i = 0; i < latestFailedReqs.length; i++) {
if (latestFailedReqs[i].dependency === failedReq.dependency) {
// Not going to overcomplicate things and actually merge the ranges
latestFailedReqs[i].required += ' AND ' + failedReq.required;
// There is no req to merge it with
module.exports.listUnmetRequirements(name, latestFailedReqs);
events.emit('warn', 'Current project does not satisfy the engine requirements specified by any version of ' + name + '. Fetching latest version of plugin anyway (may be incompatible)');
// No constraints were satisfied
return null;
* Returns an array full of objects of dependency requirements that are not met.
* reqs - CordovaDependency object from plugin's package.json
* pluginMap - previously installed plugins in the project
* platformMap - previously installed platforms in the project
* cordovaVersion - version of cordova being used
function getFailedRequirements (reqs, pluginMap, platformMap, cordovaVersion) {
const failed = [];
let version = cordovaVersion;
if (semver.prerelease(version)) {
// with 'patch' type removes prereleased tag from version
version =, 'patch');
for (const req in reqs) {
if (, req) && typeof req === 'string' && semver.validRange(reqs[req])) {
let badInstalledVersion = null;
// remove potential whitespace
const trimmedReq = req.trim();
if (pluginMap[trimmedReq] && !semver.satisfies(pluginMap[trimmedReq], reqs[req])) {
badInstalledVersion = pluginMap[req];
} else if (trimmedReq === 'cordova' && !semver.satisfies(version, reqs[req])) {
badInstalledVersion = cordovaVersion;
} else if (trimmedReq.indexOf('cordova-') === 0) {
// Might be a platform constraint
const platform = trimmedReq.substring(8);
if (platformMap[platform] && !semver.satisfies(platformMap[platform], reqs[req])) {
badInstalledVersion = platformMap[platform];
if (badInstalledVersion) {
dependency: trimmedReq,
installed: badInstalledVersion.trim(),
required: reqs[req].trim()
} else {
events.emit('verbose', 'Ignoring invalid plugin dependency constraint ' + req + ':' + reqs[req]);
return failed;
// return the version if it is in the versions array
// return null if the version doesn't exist in the array
function findVersion (versions, version) {
const cleanedVersion = semver.clean(version);
for (let i = 0; i < versions.length; i++) {
if (semver.clean(versions[i]) === cleanedVersion) {
return versions[i];
return null;
// emits warnings to users of failed dependnecy requirements in their projects
function listUnmetRequirements (name, failedRequirements) {
events.emit('warn', 'Unmet project requirements for latest version of ' + name + ':');
failedRequirements.forEach(function (req) {
events.emit('warn', ' ' + req.dependency + ' (' + req.installed + ' in project, ' + req.required + ' required)');