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under the License.
const rewire = require('rewire');
const fetch = rewire('../src/plugman/fetch');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const os = require('os');
const path = require('path');
const metadata = require('../src/plugman/util/metadata');
const temp = path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'plugman', 'fetch');
const plugins_dir = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'spec', 'plugman', 'plugins');
let test_plugin = path.join(plugins_dir, 'org.test.plugins.childbrowser');
const test_pkgjson_plugin = path.join(plugins_dir, 'pkgjson-test-plugin');
const test_plugin_searchpath = path.join(test_plugin, '..');
const test_plugin_id = 'org.test.plugins.childbrowser';
const test_plugin_version = '0.6.0';
const { asymmetricMatchers: { pathNormalizingTo } } = require('../spec/helpers');
describe('fetch', function () {
describe('local plugins', function () {
let sym;
beforeEach(function () {
spyOn(fs, 'removeSync');
sym = spyOn(fs, 'symlinkSync');
spyOn(fs, 'copySync').and.callThrough();
spyOn(metadata, 'save_fetch_metadata');
const fetchSpy = jasmine.createSpy('fetch')
.and.callFake(x => Promise.resolve(x));
fetch.__set__({ localPlugins: null, fetch: fetchSpy });
it('Test 001 : should copy locally-available plugin to plugins directory', function () {
return fetch(test_plugin, temp).then(function () {
expect(fs.copySync).toHaveBeenCalledWith(test_plugin, path.join(temp, test_plugin_id), jasmine.objectContaining({ dereference: true }));
it('Test 008 : should copy locally-available plugin to plugins directory when spaces in path', () => {
const testPluginWithSpace = path.join(temp, 'folder with space/org.test.plugins.childbrowser');
fs.copySync(test_plugin, testPluginWithSpace);
return fetch(testPluginWithSpace, temp).then(() => {
expect(fs.copySync).toHaveBeenCalledWith(testPluginWithSpace, path.join(temp, test_plugin_id), jasmine.any(Object));
it('Test 002 : should copy locally-available plugin to plugins directory when adding a plugin with searchpath argument', function () {
return fetch(test_plugin_id, temp, { searchpath: test_plugin_searchpath }).then(function () {
path.join(temp, test_plugin_id),
jasmine.objectContaining({ dereference: true })
it('Test 003 : should create a symlink if used with `link` param', function () {
return fetch(test_plugin, temp, { link: true }).then(function () {
expect(sym).toHaveBeenCalledWith(test_plugin, path.join(temp, test_plugin_id), 'junction');
it('Test 004 : should fail when the expected ID doesn\'t match', function () {
return fetch(test_plugin, temp, { expected_id: 'wrongID' })
.then(function () {
expect('this call').toBe('fail');
}, function (err) {
expect('' + err).toContain('Expected plugin to have ID "wrongID" but got');
it('Test 005 : should succeed when the expected ID is correct', function () {
return fetch(test_plugin, temp, { expected_id: test_plugin_id }).then(function () {
it('Test 006 : should fail when the expected ID with version specified doesn\'t match', function () {
return fetch(test_plugin, temp, { expected_id: test_plugin_id + '@wrongVersion' })
.then(function () {
expect('this call').toBe('fail');
}, function (err) {
expect('' + err).toContain('to satisfy version "wrongVersion" but got');
it('Test 007 : should succeed when the plugin version specified is correct', function () {
const exp_id = test_plugin_id + '@' + test_plugin_version;
return fetch(test_plugin, temp, { expected_id: exp_id }).then(function () {
it('Test 027 : should copy locally-available plugin to plugins directory', function () {
return fetch(test_pkgjson_plugin, temp).then(function () {
expect(fs.copySync).toHaveBeenCalledWith(test_pkgjson_plugin, path.join(temp, 'pkgjson-test-plugin'), jasmine.objectContaining({ dereference: true }));
it('Test 028 : should fail when locally-available plugin is missing pacakge.json', function () {
test_plugin = path.join(plugins_dir, 'org.test.androidonly');
return expectAsync(
fetch(test_plugin, temp)
).toBeRejectedWithError(/needs a valid package\.json/);
describe('fetch recursive error CB-8809', function () {
const srcDir = path.join(plugins_dir, 'recursivePlug');
const appDir = path.join(plugins_dir, 'recursivePlug', 'demo');
fetch.__set__('fetch', function (pluginDir) {
return Promise.resolve(pluginDir);
it('Test 021 : should skip copy to avoid recursive error', function () {
spyOn(fs, 'copySync');
return fetch(srcDir, appDir).then(function () {