blob: cde338cf183806d03a5a852cccd40b7255e14071 [file] [log] [blame]
var test = require('tap').test
var server = require('./lib/server.js')
var common = require('./lib/common.js')
var client = common.freshClient()
function nop () {}
var BASE_URL = 'http://localhost:1337/'
var URI = '/-/package/underscore/dist-tags'
var TOKEN = 'foo'
var AUTH = {
token: TOKEN
var PACKAGE = 'underscore'
var PARAMS = {
'package': PACKAGE,
auth: AUTH
test('distTags.fetch call contract', function (t) {
t.throws(function () {
client.distTags.fetch(undefined, AUTH, nop)
}, 'requires a URI')
t.throws(function () {
client.distTags.fetch([], PARAMS, nop)
}, 'requires URI to be a string')
t.throws(function () {
client.distTags.fetch(BASE_URL, undefined, nop)
}, 'requires params object')
t.throws(function () {
client.distTags.fetch(BASE_URL, '', nop)
}, 'params must be object')
t.throws(function () {
client.distTags.fetch(BASE_URL, PARAMS, undefined)
}, 'requires callback')
t.throws(function () {
client.distTags.fetch(BASE_URL, PARAMS, 'callback')
}, 'callback must be function')
function () {
var params = {
auth: AUTH
client.distTags.fetch(BASE_URL, params, nop)
name: 'AssertionError',
message: 'must pass package name to distTags.fetch'
'distTags.fetch must include package name'
function () {
var params = {
'package': PACKAGE
client.distTags.fetch(BASE_URL, params, nop)
{ name: 'AssertionError', message: 'must pass auth to distTags.fetch' },
'distTags.fetch must include auth'
test('fetch dist-tags for a package', function (t) {
server.expect('GET', URI, function (req, res) {
t.equal(req.method, 'GET')
var b = ''
req.on('data', function (d) {
b += d
req.on('end', function () {
t.notOk(b, 'no request body')
res.statusCode = 200
res.json({ a: '1.0.0', b: '2.0.0', _etag: 'xxx' })
client.distTags.fetch(BASE_URL, PARAMS, function (error, data) {
t.ifError(error, 'no errors')
t.same(data, { a: '1.0.0', b: '2.0.0' }, 'etag filtered from response')