blob: 7cd8af1cf5df11c12629457672e2017243dea0dc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 BlackBerry Limited.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var path = require("path"),
fs = require("fs"),
wrench = require("wrench"),
utils = require("./utils"),
logger = require("./logger"),
signingUtils = require("./signing-utils"),
barConf = require("./bar-conf"),
localize = require("./localize"),
getParams = require("./params");
module.exports = {
getKeyStorePass: function (cmdline) {
var properties = utils.getProperties(),
params = getParams("blackberry-signer", cmdline) || {},
//Check commandline first, then properties, then params
//Packager expects value provided as password
//Cordova scripts expects value provided as keystorepass
//String checks are to get around issue where commander sometimes passed in a function
if (cmdline.password && typeof cmdline.password === "string") {
keystorepass = cmdline.password;
} else if (cmdline.keystorepass && typeof cmdline.keystorepass === "string") {
keystorepass = cmdline.keystorepass;
} else if (properties.keystorepass) {
keystorepass = properties.keystorepass;
} else if (params["-storepass"]) {
keystorepass = params["-storepass"];
return keystorepass;
initialize: function (cmdline) {
var sourceDir,
signingPassword = module.exports.getKeyStorePass(cmdline),
outputDir = cmdline.output,
archivePath = path.resolve(cmdline.args[0] ? cmdline.args[0] : "../../www"),
archiveName = utils.genBarName(),
buildId = cmdline.buildId,
signerParams = getParams("blackberry-signer", cmdline) || {},
keystore = signerParams["-keystore"],
bbidtoken = signerParams["-bbidtoken"],
signing = cmdline.signing;
//If -o option was not provided, default output location is the same as .zip
outputDir = outputDir || path.dirname(archivePath);
if (cmdline.appdesc && "string" === typeof cmdline.appdesc) {
appdesc = path.resolve(cmdline.appdesc);
//If -s [dir] is provided
if (cmdline.source && "string" === typeof cmdline.source) {
sourceDir = cmdline.source + "/src";
} else {
sourceDir = outputDir + "/src";
if (!fs.existsSync(sourceDir)) {
wrench.mkdirSyncRecursive(sourceDir, "0755");
logger.level(cmdline.loglevel || 'verbose');
//If signer params exist, check whether the files are there
//This is to be consistent with the default files
if (keystore && !fs.existsSync(keystore)) {
keystore = false;
if (bbidtoken && !fs.existsSync(bbidtoken)) {
bbidtoken = false;
return {
"conf": require("./conf"),
"keepSource": !!cmdline.source,
"sourceDir": path.resolve(sourceDir),
"sourcePaths": {
"ROOT": path.resolve(sourceDir),
"CHROME": path.normalize(path.resolve(sourceDir) + barConf.CHROME),
"LIB": path.normalize(path.resolve(sourceDir) + barConf.LIB),
"EXT": path.normalize(path.resolve(sourceDir) + barConf.EXT),
"UI": path.normalize(path.resolve(sourceDir) + barConf.UI),
"PLUGINS": path.normalize(path.resolve(sourceDir) + barConf.PLUGINS),
"JNEXT_PLUGINS": path.normalize(path.resolve(sourceDir) + barConf.JNEXT_PLUGINS)
"outputDir": path.resolve(outputDir),
"archivePath": archivePath,
"archiveName": archiveName,
"barPath": outputDir + "/%s/" + archiveName + ".bar",
"debug": !!cmdline.debug,
"keystore": keystore || signingUtils.getKeyStorePath(),
"keystoreCsk": signingUtils.getCskPath(),
"keystoreDb": signingUtils.getDbPath(),
"keystoreBBID": bbidtoken || signingUtils.getKeyStorePathBBID(),
"storepass": signingPassword,
"buildId": buildId,
"appdesc" : appdesc,
"signing" : signing,
getParams: function (toolName) {
return getParams(toolName, cmdline);
isSigningRequired: function (config) {
return (keystore || signingUtils.getKeyStorePath()) && signingPassword;
"targets": ["simulator", "device"]