blob: 1f9ed01f3fd89de6e1d6a9e6236dd61845536772 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2012 Research In Motion Limited.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var Localize = require("localize"),
loc = new Localize({
"en": "Native Packager exception occurred"
"en": "Failed to find WebWorks archive: $[1]"
"en": "Cannot sign application - failed to find signing key file: $[1]"
"en": "Build ID set in config.xml [version], but signing key file was not found: $[1]"
"en": "Cannot sign application - No signing password provided [--keystorepass]"
"en": "Build ID set in config.xml [version], but no signing password was provided [--keystorepass]. Bar will be unsigned"
"en": "Failed to find debug token. If you have an existing debug token, please copy it to $[1]. To generate a new debug token, execute the 'run' command."
"en": "Specified debug token not a .bar extension"
"en": "Parsing config.xml"
"en": "Populating application source"
"en": "Generating output files"
"en": "Packaging the BAR file"
"en": "BAR packaging complete"
"en": "An error has occurred parsing the config.xml. Please ensure that it is syntactically correct"
"en": "Please enter a valid application version"
"en": "Please enter a valid application name"
"en": "Please enter an author for the application"
"en": "Please enter an application id"
"en": "Invalid <feature> element - failed to find the id attribute"
"en": "ERROR in bufferToString(): Buffer length must be even"
"en": "Invalid config.xml - no <feature> tags are allowed for this <access> element"
"en": "Invalid URI attribute in the access element - protocol required($[1])"
"en": "Invalid config.xml - <access> tags should have one of 'uri' or 'origin' attributes. 'origin' attribute will be ignored"
"en": "Failed to parse the URI attribute in the access element($[1])"
"en": "Invalid command line argument \"$[1]\""
"en": "Each rim:invoke-target element must specify a valid id attribute"
"en": "rim:invoke-target element must be specified and cannot be empty"
"en": "Each filter element must specify at least one valid action"
"en": "Each filter element must specify at least one valid mime-type"
"en": "At least one property element in an invoke filter is invalid"
"en": "Icon src cannot be empty"
"en": "Splash src cannot be empty"
"en": "Icon src should not point to files under \"locales\" folder, bbwp will perform folder-based localization"
"en": "Splash src should not point to files under \"locales\" folder, bbwp will perform folder-based localization"
"en": "Circular dependency detected for extension: \"$[1]\""
"en": "Extension \"$[1]\" not found in \"ext\" folder"
"en": "An error has occurred parsing \"$[1]\""
"en": "\"$[1]\" does not exist"
"en": "BBNDK tools could not be found. Please ensure you have installed the BlackBerry Native SDK [] and have the PATH configured via bbndk-env script."
"en": "\"$[1]\" is not a valid orientation mode"
"en": " parameter \"mode\" missing"
"en": "Background color \"$[1]\" is not a valid number"
"en": "No config.xml file was found at the root of the .zip file"
"en": "$[1] cordova.js files found in lib"
"en": "cordova.js is now packaged as local:///chrome/cordova.js"
"en": "webplatform.js has been packaged as an alternative to the on device version"
"en": "i18n.js has been packaged as an alternative to the on device version"
"en": "An archive or directory does not exist at the path specified: \"$[1]\""
"en": "The bar descriptor file does not exist at the path specified: \"$[1]\""
"en": " has been deprecated, please use instead"
"en": "You have disabled all web security in this WebWorks application"
"en": "The existing debug token is valid"
"en": "The target \"$[1]\" does not exist"
"en": "IP is not defined in target \"$[1]\""
"en": "Password is not defined in target \"$[1]\""
"en": "Deploying debug token to target \"$[1]\""
"en": "No device PIN found, will omit debug token generation"
"en": "No signing password provided, debug token cannot be generated. Please enter a value for 'keystorepass' in $[1]/.cordova/blackberry10.json or use --keystorepass via command-line."
"en": "Generating debug token"
"en": "Skipping emulator detection and detecting device. Please provide only 1 of --target, --device, and --emulator"
}, "", ""); // TODO maybe a bug in localize, must set default locale to "" in order get it to work
module.exports = loc;