#Apache Celix - Building and Installing

#Preparing The following packages (libraries + headers) should be installed on your system:

  • Development Environment
    • build-essentials
    • git
    • java (for packaging bundles)
    • cmake (3 or higher)
  • Apache Celix Dependencies
    • curl
    • jansson

For a debian based systems, the following should work:

For Fedora based systems (dnf), the following should work:

##Download the Apache Celix sources To get started you first have to download the Apache Celix sources. This can be done by cloning the Apache Celix git repository:

#Create a new workspace to work in, e.g:
mkdir ${HOME}/workspace
export WS=${HOME}/workspace
cd ${WS}

#clone the repro
git clone --single-branch --branch develop https://github.com/apache/celix.git

##Building Apache Celix Apache Celix uses CMake as build system. CMake can generate (among others) makefiles or ninja build files. using ninja build files will result in a faster build.

###Building using CMake and makefiles:

cd ${WS}/celix
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. 

###Building using CMake and Ninja

cd ${WS}/celix
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G Ninja ..

##Editing Build options With use of CMake Apache Celix makes it possible to edit build options. This enabled users to configure a install location and selecting additional bundles. To edit the options use ccmake or cmake-gui. For cmake-gui an additional package install can be neccesary (Fedora: dnf install cmake-gui).

cd ${WS}/celix/build
ccmake .
#Edit options, e.g. enable BUILD_REMOTE_SHELL to build the remote (telnet) shell
#Edit the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX config to set the install location

For this guide we assume the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is /usr/local.

##Installing Apache Celix

cd ${WS}/celix/build
sudo make install

##Running Apache Celix

If Apache Celix is succesfully installed running celix should give the following output: “Error: invalid or non-existing configuration file: ‘config.properties’.No such file or directory”

For more info how to build your own projects and/or running the Apache Celix examples see Getting Started