tree: 8cd1019d2e484e0e404ad92fbd63d77dfa28234e [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. pom.xml

Java Driver OSGi Tests

This module contains OSGi tests for the driver.

It declares a typical “application” bundle containing a few services that rely on the driver, see src/main.

The integration tests in src/tests interrogate the application bundle services and check that they can operate normally. They exercise different provisioning configurations to ensure that the driver is usable in most cases.

Running the tests

In order to run the OSGi tests, all other driver modules must have been previously compiled, that is, their respective target/classes directory must be up-to-date and contain not only the class files, but also an up-to-date OSGi manifest.

Therefore, it is recommended to always compile all modules and run the OSGi integration tests in one single pass, which can be easily done by running, from the driver's parent module directory:

mvn clean verify

This will however also run other integration tests, and might take a long time to finish. If you prefer to skip other integration tests, and only run the OSGi ones, you can do so as follows:

mvn clean verify \
    -DskipParallelizableITs=true \
    -DskipSerialITs=true \

You can pass the following system properties to your tests:

  1. ccm.version: the CCM version to use
  2. ccm.dse: whether to use DSE
  3. osgi.debug: whether to enable remote debugging of the OSGi container (see below).

Debugging OSGi tests

First, you can enable DEBUG logs for the Pax Exam framework by editing the src/tests/resources/logback-test.xml file.

Alternatively, you can debug the remote OSGi container by passing the system property -Dosgi.debug=true. In this case the framework will prompt for a remote debugger on port 5005.