Installation Guide

This tutorial guides you through the installation and configuration of CarbonData in the following two modes :

followed by :

Installing and Configuring CarbonData on Standalone Spark Cluster


  • Hadoop HDFS and Yarn should be installed and running.

  • Spark should be installed and running on all the cluster nodes.

  • CarbonData user should have permission to access HDFS.


  1. Build the CarbonData project and get the assembly jar from ./assembly/target/scala-2.1x/carbondata_xxx.jar.

  2. Copy ./assembly/target/scala-2.1x/carbondata_xxx.jar to $SPARK_HOME/carbonlib folder.

    NOTE: Create the carbonlib folder if it does not exist inside $SPARK_HOME path.

  3. Add the carbonlib folder path in the Spark classpath. (Edit $SPARK_HOME/conf/ file and modify the value of SPARK_CLASSPATH by appending $SPARK_HOME/carbonlib/* to the existing value)

  4. Copy the ./conf/ file from CarbonData repository to $SPARK_HOME/conf/ folder and rename the file to

  5. Repeat Step 2 to Step 5 in all the nodes of the cluster.

  6. In Spark node[master], configure the properties mentioned in the following table in $SPARK_HOME/conf/spark-defaults.conf file.

PropertyValueDescription = $SPARK_HOME/conf/carbon.propertiesA string of extra JVM options to pass to the driver. For instance, GC settings or other logging. = $SPARK_HOME/conf/carbon.propertiesA string of extra JVM options to pass to executors. For instance, GC settings or other logging. NOTE: You can enter multiple values separated by space.
  1. Add the following properties in $SPARK_HOME/conf/ file:
carbon.storelocationNOLocation where data CarbonData will create the store and write the data in its own format.hdfs://HOSTNAME:PORT/Opt/CarbonStorePropose to set HDFS directory
  1. Verify the installation. For example:
./spark-shell --master spark://HOSTNAME:PORT --total-executor-cores 2
--executor-memory 2G

NOTE: Make sure you have permissions for CarbonData JARs and files through which driver and executor will start.

To get started with CarbonData : Quick Start, DDL Operations on CarbonData

Installing and Configuring CarbonData on “Spark on YARN” Cluster

This section provides the procedure to install CarbonData on “Spark on YARN” cluster.


  • Hadoop HDFS and Yarn should be installed and running.
  • Spark should be installed and running in all the clients.
  • CarbonData user should have permission to access HDFS.


The following steps are only for Driver Nodes. (Driver nodes are the one which starts the spark context.)

  1. Build the CarbonData project and get the assembly jar from ./assembly/target/scala-2.1x/carbondata_xxx.jar and copy to $SPARK_HOME/carbonlib folder.

    NOTE: Create the carbonlib folder if it does not exists inside $SPARK_HOME path.

  2. Copy the ./conf/ file from CarbonData repository to $SPARK_HOME/conf/ folder and rename the file to

  3. Create tar,gz file of carbonlib folder and move it inside the carbonlib folder.

tar -zcvf carbondata.tar.gz carbonlib/
mv carbondata.tar.gz carbonlib/
  1. Configure the properties mentioned in the following table in $SPARK_HOME/conf/spark-defaults.conf file.
spark.masterSet this value to run the Spark in yarn cluster mode.Set yarn-client to run the Spark in yarn cluster mode.
spark.yarn.dist.filesComma-separated list of files to be placed in the working directory of each executor.$SPARK_HOME/conf/
spark.yarn.dist.archivesComma-separated list of archives to be extracted into the working directory of each executor.$SPARK_HOME/carbonlib/carbondata.tar.gz
spark.executor.extraJavaOptionsA string of extra JVM options to pass to executors. For instance NOTE: You can enter multiple values separated by =
spark.executor.extraClassPathExtra classpath entries to prepend to the classpath of executors. NOTE: If SPARK_CLASSPATH is defined in, then comment it and append the values in below parameter spark.driver.extraClassPathcarbondata.tar.gz/carbonlib/*
spark.driver.extraClassPathExtra classpath entries to prepend to the classpath of the driver. NOTE: If SPARK_CLASSPATH is defined in, then comment it and append the value in below parameter spark.driver.extraClassPath.$SPARK_HOME/carbonlib/*
spark.driver.extraJavaOptionsA string of extra JVM options to pass to the driver. For instance, GC settings or other = $SPARK_HOME/conf/
  1. Add the following properties in $SPARK_HOME/conf/
PropertyRequiredDescriptionExampleDefault Value
carbon.storelocationNOLocation where CarbonData will create the store and write the data in its own format.hdfs://HOSTNAME:PORT/Opt/CarbonStorePropose to set HDFS directory
  1. Verify the installation.
 ./bin/spark-shell --master yarn-client --driver-memory 1g
 --executor-cores 2 --executor-memory 2G

NOTE: Make sure you have permissions for CarbonData JARs and files through which driver and executor will start.

Getting started with CarbonData : Quick Start, DDL Operations on CarbonData

Query Execution Using CarbonData Thrift Server

Starting CarbonData Thrift Server.


b. Run the following command to start the CarbonData thrift server.

--conf spark.sql.hive.thriftServer.singleSession=true
--class org.apache.carbondata.spark.thriftserver.CarbonThriftServer
$SPARK_HOME/carbonlib/$CARBON_ASSEMBLY_JAR <carbon_store_path>
CARBON_ASSEMBLY_JARCarbonData assembly jar name present in the $SPARK_HOME/carbonlib/ folder.carbondata_2.10-0.1.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT-shade-hadoop2.7.2.jar
carbon_store_pathThis is a parameter to the CarbonThriftServer class. This a HDFS path where CarbonData files will be kept. Strongly Recommended to put same as carbon.storelocation parameter of<host_name>:port/user/hive/warehouse/


  • Start with default memory and executors.
--conf spark.sql.hive.thriftServer.singleSession=true
--class org.apache.carbondata.spark.thriftserver.CarbonThriftServer 
  • Start with Fixed executors and resources.
./bin/spark-submit --conf spark.sql.hive.thriftServer.singleSession=true 
--class org.apache.carbondata.spark.thriftserver.CarbonThriftServer 
--num-executors 3 --driver-memory 20g --executor-memory 250g 
--executor-cores 32 

Connecting to CarbonData Thrift Server Using Beeline.

     cd $SPARK_HOME
     ./bin/beeline jdbc:hive2://<thriftserver_host>:port

     ./bin/beeline jdbc:hive2://