blob: d02838aa0ca67aa7cfeee9d7be3fecb25e4307d3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import File from 'vinyl'
import gulp from 'gulp'
import inject from 'gulp-inject'
import map from 'map-stream'
import path from 'path'
import rename from 'gulp-rename'
import sort from 'gulp-sort'
import through2 from 'through2'
import { deleteAsync } from 'del'
function titleFrom (file) {
let maybeName = /(?::doctitle: )(.*)/.exec(file.contents.toString())
if (maybeName === null) {
//TODO investigate these... why dont they have them?
// console.warn(`${file.path} doesn't contain Asciidoc doctitle attribute (':doctitle: <Title>'`);
maybeName = /(?:=|#) (.*)/.exec(file.contents.toString())
if (maybeName === null) {
throw new Error(
`${file.path} also doesn't contain Asciidoc heading ('= <Title>') or ('# <Title')`
return maybeName[1]
function groupFrom (file) {
const groupName = /(?::group: )(.*)/.exec(file.contents.toString())
if (groupName !== null) return groupName[1]
return null
function compare (file1, file2) {
if (file1 === file2) return 0
const group1 = groupFrom(file1) ? groupFrom(file1).toUpperCase() : null
const group2 = groupFrom(file2) ? groupFrom(file2).toUpperCase() : null
const title1 = titleFrom(file1).toUpperCase()
const title2 = titleFrom(file2).toUpperCase()
if (group1 === null && group2 === null) return title1 < title2 ? -1 : 1
if (group2 !== null && group1 === null) {
if (title1 === group2) return -1
return title1 < group2 ? -1 : 1
if (group1 !== null && group2 === null) {
if (title2 === group1) return 1
return group1 < title2 ? -1 : 1
if (group1 !== null && group2 !== null) {
if (group1 === group2) return title1 < title2 ? -1 : 1
return group1 < group2 ? -1 : 1
function insertGeneratedNotice () {
return inject(gulp.src('./generated.txt'), {
name: 'generated',
removeTags: true,
transform: (filename, file) => {
return file.contents.toString('utf8')
// For (some) readability the literal object is used to configure
// the tasks in this form:
// taskName: {
// kind: { // kind can be asciidoc, image, example or json
// source: [...] | '...', // array or string with globs pointing to source files outside of the docs directory
// destination: '...', // where to put the symbolic links to the source files
// keep: [...], // optional array of files not to delete from the destination directory (defaults to ['index.adoc'])
// filter: fn(content), // optional function to filter based on file content
// }
// }
const sources = {
components: {
asciidoc: {
source: [
destination: 'components/modules/ROOT/pages',
image: {
source: '../components/{*,*/*}/src/main/docs/*.png',
destination: 'components/modules/ROOT/images',
example: {
source: [
destination: 'components/modules/ROOT/examples',
json: {
source: [
destination: 'components/modules/ROOT/examples/json',
filter: (content) => JSON.parse(content).component, // check if there is a "component" key at the root
dataformats: {
asciidoc: {
source: '../components/{*,*/*}/src/main/docs/*-dataformat.adoc',
destination: 'components/modules/dataformats/pages',
json: {
source: [
destination: 'components/modules/dataformats/examples/json',
filter: (content) => JSON.parse(content).dataformat, // check if there is a "dataformat" key at the root
//IMPORTANT NOTE: some language adocs may also be copied by an undocumented process
//from core/camel-core-languages and core/camel-xml-jaxp.
languages: {
asciidoc: {
source: [
destination: 'components/modules/languages/pages',
json: {
source: [
destination: 'components/modules/languages/examples/json',
filter: (content) => JSON.parse(content).language, // check if there is a "language" key at the root
//TODO this newly copies several dsl pages. Is this correct?
// (output edited) diff --git a/docs/components/modules/others/nav.adoc b/docs/components/modules/others/nav.adoc
// +** xref:groovy-dsl.adoc[Groovy Dsl]
// +** xref:js-dsl.adoc[JavaScript Dsl]
// +** xref:java-xml-jaxb-dsl.adoc[Jaxb XML Dsl]
// +** xref:kotlin-dsl.adoc[Kotlin Dsl]
// +** xref:java-xml-io-dsl.adoc[XML Dsl]
//These seem to have no content, just a non-xref link to the user manual,
// where the dsls are not actually explained. Should the sources be removed?
others: {
asciidoc: {
source: [
destination: 'components/modules/others/pages',
keep: [
'reactive-threadpoolfactory-vertx.adoc', // not part of any component
json: {
source: [
destination: 'components/modules/others/examples/json',
filter: (content) => JSON.parse(content).other, // check if there is a "other" key at the root
eips: {
json: {
source: [
destination: '../core/camel-core-engine/src/main/docs/modules/eips/examples/json',
filter: (content) => {
const json = JSON.parse(content)
return json.model && json.model.label.includes('eip')
'manual:faq': {
example: {
source: 'user-manual/modules/faq/**/*.adoc',
destination: 'user-manual/modules/faq/examples',
// Generates a tree of Gulp tasks it will be created from the data
// structure above. For example given:
// taskName: {
// asciidoc: {
// source: ...,
// destination: ...
// },
// json: {
// source: ...,
// destination: ...,
// }
// },
// gulp.parallel( // root containing multiple groupings (say, components, dataformats, eips...)
// gulp.parallel( // tasks for the given taskName
// gulp.series(clean:asciidoc:taskName, symlink:asciidoc:taskName, nav:asciidoc:taskName),
// gulp.series(clean:json:taskName, symlink:json:taskName),
// ),
// gulp.parallel( // tasks configured for a different group
// ...
// )
// )
// Or when run with `yarn gulp --tasks` something like:
// ├─┬ default
// │ └─┬ <parallel>
// │ ├─┬ <series>
// │ │ ├── clean:asciidoc:taskName
// │ │ ├── symlink:asciidoc:taskName
// │ │ └── nav:asciidoc:taskName
// │ └─┬ <series>
// │ ├── clean:json:taskName
// │ └── symlink:json:taskName
// Where each `*:taskName` is a Gulp function task performing the
// following:
// * `clean:*` task deletes symbolic links,
// * `symlink:*` recreates symbolic links pointing to the source
// files in the project tree,
// * `nav:*` regenerates `nav.adoc` files.
// There are two different symlink operations, one for .adoc files
// that strips base directory and for examples that perserves it
const sourcesMap = new Map(Object.entries(sources))
// type is 'components', 'dataformats', ...
// definition is the value under that key, e.g.:
// {
// asciidoc: {
// source: ...
// destination: ...
// },
// ...
// }
const tasks = Array.from(sourcesMap).flatMap(([type, definition]) => {
// base tasks
// deletes all files at destination except for files named in keep,
// by default that's only index.adoc, index.adoc is not symlinked
// so we don't want to remove it
const clean = (destination, keep) => {
const deleteAry = [`${destination}/*`] // files in destination needs to be deleted
// append any exceptions, i.e. files to keep at the destination
deleteAry.push(...(keep || ['index.adoc']).map((file) => `!${destination}/${file}`))
return deleteAsync(deleteAry, {
force: true,
// creates symlinks from source to destination that satisfy the
// given filter removing the basedir from a path, i.e. symlinking
// from a flat hiearchy
const createSymlinks = (source, destination, filter) => {
const filterFn = through2.obj((file, enc, done) => {
if (filter && !filter(file.contents)) {
done() // skip
} else {
done(null, file) // process
return gulp.src(source)
map((file, done) => {
// this flattens the output to just .../pages/.../file.ext
// instead of .../pages/camel-.../src/main/docs/.../file.ext
file.base = path.dirname(file.path)
done(null, file)
.pipe(gulp.symlink(destination, {
relativeSymlinks: true,
// generates sorted & grouped nav.adoc file from a set of .adoc
// files at the destination
const createNav = (destination) => {
return gulp.src(`${type}-nav.adoc.template`)
removeTags: true,
transform: (filename, file) => {
const filepath = path.basename(filename)
const title = titleFrom(file)
if (groupFrom(file) !== null) {
return `*** xref:${filepath}[${title}]`
return `** xref:${filepath}[${title}]`
// creates symlinks from source to destination for every example
// file referenced from .adoc file in the source maintaining the
// basedir from the file path, i.e. symlinking from a deep hiearchy
const createExampleSymlinks = (source, destination) => {
const extractExamples = function (file, enc, done) {
const asciidoc = file.contents.toString()
const includes = /(?:include::\{examplesdir\}\/)([^[]+)/g
let example
while ((example = includes.exec(asciidoc))) {
const filePath = example[1]
// filePath points from the root of the repository, our CWD
// is within `/docs`, so to get the correct path we need to
// resolve against `..` (`/docs/..`), i.e. root of the
// repository
const resolved = path.resolve(path.join('..', example[1]))
const file = new File({
path: filePath,
dirname: path.dirname(resolved),
base: path.dirname(resolved),
// replace the .adoc file in the Gulp stream with any example
// file found in the .adoc file
return done()
return gulp.src(source) // asciidoc files
.pipe(through2.obj(extractExamples)) // extracted example files
// symlink links from a fixed directory, i.e. we could link to
// the example files from `destination`, that would not work for
// us as same-named files would overwrite each other, and also
// the `:include::` for the example includes the full path. So
// we need a dynamic destination, which we generate based on the
// `destination` plus directory of the example as without the
// path leading to the git root. For example, for:
// - destination='components/modules/ROOT/examples/'
// - file.dirname='/path/to/git/repository/components/example-component/src/test/resources/example-route.xml'
// we want the resulting destination to be:
// components/modules/ROOT/examples/components/example-component/src/test/resources/example-route.xml
.pipe(gulp.symlink((file) => path.join(destination, file.dirname.replace(path.resolve('..'), '')), {
relativeSymlinks: true,
const { asciidoc, image, example, json } = definition
// we this use a pattern to name an anonymous function:
// const { [name]: f } = { [name]: /* function | lambda */ }
// After decomposition f is a function where === name,
// since is read-only property we cannot assign it
// and this is an equvalent of:
// const name = '...'
// const ignored = {
// [name]: /* function | lambda */
// }
// allowing us to set implicitly in the declaration.
// That is: ignored[name].name === name.
// This is helpful for Gulp as it gets the name of the task from
// the name of the function.
const named = (name, task, ...args) => {
const { [name]: n } = { [name]: () => task(...args) }
return n
// accumulates all tasks performed per _kind_.
const allTasks = []
if (asciidoc) {
named(`clean:asciidoc:${type}`, clean, asciidoc.destination, asciidoc.keep),
named(`symlink:asciidoc:${type}`, createSymlinks, asciidoc.source, asciidoc.destination),
named(`nav:asciidoc:${type}`, createNav, asciidoc.destination)
if (image) {
named(`clean:image:${type}`, clean, image.destination, image.keep),
named(`symlink:image:${type}`, createSymlinks, image.source, image.destination)
if (example) {
named(`clean:example:${type}`, clean, example.destination, ['json', 'js']),
named(`symlink:example:${type}`, createExampleSymlinks, example.source, example.destination)
if (json) {
named(`clean:json:${type}`, clean, json.destination, json.keep),
named(`symlink:json:${type}`, createSymlinks, json.source, json.destination, json.filter)
if (allTasks.length > 0) {
return allTasks
return []
}, [])
export default gulp.parallel(tasks)