tree: 6440546df3e81b5ad3423dd24ebfb1d9ec495147 [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. .gitignore
  3. pom.xml

Maven plugin for camel-salesforce component

This plugin generates DTOs for the Camel Salesforce Component.


The plugin configuration has the following properties.

  • clientId - Salesforce client Id for Remote API access
  • clientSecret - Salesforce client secret for Remote API access
  • userName - Salesforce account user name
  • password - Salesforce account password (including secret token)
  • loginUrl - Salesforce loginUrl (defaults to “”)
  • version - Salesforce Rest API version, defaults to 25.0
  • outputDirectory - Directory where to place generated DTOs, defaults to ${}/generated-sources/camel-salesforce
  • includes - List of SObject types to include
  • excludes - List of SObject types to exclude
  • includePattern - Java RegEx for SObject types to include
  • excludePattern - Java RegEx for SObject types to exclude
  • packageName - Java package name for generated DTOs, defaults to org.apache.camel.salesforce.dto.
  • customTypes - override default types in generated DTOs
  • useStringsForPicklists - Use strings instead of enumerations for picklists. Default is false.
  • childRelationshipNameSuffix - Suffix for child relationship property name. Necessary if an SObject has a lookup field with the same name as its Child Relationship Name. If setting to something other than default, “List” is a sensible value.
  • enumerationOverrideProperties - Override picklist enum value generation via a java.util.Properties instance. Property name format: SObject.FieldName.PicklistValue. Property value is the desired enum value. E.g.:

Additonal properties to provide proxy information, if behind a firewall.

  • httpProxyHost
  • httpProxyPort
  • httpProxyUsername
  • httpProxyPassword
  • httpProxyRealm
  • httpProxyAuthUri
  • httpProxyUseDigestAuth
  • httpProxyIncludedAddresses
  • httpProxyExcludedAddresses

Sample pom.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""


			<!-- camel maven saleforce for creating salesforce objects -->
					<loginUrl default-value="">${camelSalesforce.loginUrl}</loginUrl> 



For obvious security reasons it is recommended that the clientId, clientSecret, userName and password fields be not set in the pom.xml. The plugin should be configured for the rest of the properties, and can be executed using the following command:

mvn camel-salesforce:generate -DcamelSalesforce.clientId=<clientid> -DcamelSalesforce.clientSecret=<clientsecret> -DcamelSalesforce.userName=<username> -DcamelSalesforce.password=<password>

The generated DTOs use Jackson. All Salesforce field types are supported. Date and time fields are mapped to java.time.ZonedDateTime, and picklist fields are mapped to generated Java Enumerations.

Relationship fields, e.g. Contact.Account, will be strongly typed if the referenced SObject type is listed in includes. Otherwise, the type of the reference object will be AbstractDescribedSObjectBase. Some useful but non-obvious SObjects to include are RecordType, User, Group, and Name.

Polymorphic relationship fields will have the type AbstractDescribedSObjectBase, however at runtime, query results will be serialized to the specific type if that type was in includes and a DTO was generated for it. Note that the query must be written to return type-specific fields, e.g.:

SELECT Id, Name, Typeof Owner WHEN User Then FirstName, LastName, Username End FROM Line_Item__c

You can customize types, i.e. use java.time.LocalDateTime instead of the default java.time.ZonedDateTime by specifying the customTypes property like:

    <!-- ... -->