title: FAQ layout: website-normal

What's the difference between Brooklyn and...

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Common Problems:

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread

You could encounter this error when running with many entities.

Please increase the ulimit if you see such error:

On the VM running Apache Brooklyn, we recommend ensuring nproc and nofile are reasonably high (e.g. higher than 1024, which is often the default). We recommend setting it limits to a value of 16384 or higher.

If you want to check the current limits run ulimit -a.

Here are instructions for how to increase the limits for RHEL like distributions. Run sudo vi /etc/security/limits.conf and add (if it is “brooklyn” user running Apache Brooklyn):

brooklyn           soft    nproc           16384
brooklyn           hard    nproc           16384
brooklyn           soft    nofile          16384
brooklyn           hard    nofile          16384

Generally you do not have to reboot to apply ulimit values. They are set per session. So after you have the correct values, quit the ssh session and log back in.

For more details, see one of the many posts such as http://tuxgen.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/centosrhel-ulimit-and-maximum-number-of.html