title: OSGi Distribution layout: website-normal

Running Apache Brooklyn inside Karaf container

The Apache Brooklyn Karaf based distribution lives in brooklyn-server/karaf/apache-brooklyn folder. It's still in a testing stage so some features might not work as expected. Do reach out if you find any problems.


{% highlight bash %} cd brooklyn-server mvn clean install cd karaf/apache-brooklyn/target tar -zxvf apache-brooklyn-{{ site.brooklyn-version }}.tar.gz cd apache-brooklyn-{{ site.brooklyn-version }} {% endhighlight %}


Start the instance using the following command

{% highlight bash %} bin/karaf {% endhighlight %}

This will launch the Karaf console where you can interact with the running instance. Note that Brooklyn has already started at this point and is reachable at the usual web console url.

To start in debug mode use

{% highlight bash %} bin/karaf debug {% endhighlight %}

and connect to port 5005 using your debugger.

To pause startup until the debugger is connected you can use

{% highlight bash %} JAVA_DEBUG_OPTS=‘-Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005’ bin/karaf debug {% endhighlight %}

The Karaf container will keep state like installed bundles and configuration between restarts. To reset any changes add clean to the cli arguments.


To configure the Brooklyn runtime create an etc/brooklyn.cfg file, following the standard brooklyn.properties file format. Values can be viewed and managed dynamically via the OSGI configuration admin commands in Karaf, e.g. config:property-set. The global ~/.brooklyn/brooklyn.properties is still supported and has higher priority for duplicate keys, but it‘s values can’t be manipulated with the Karaf commands, so its use is discouraged.

You can use the standard ~/.brooklyn/brooklyn.properties file to configure Brooklyn. Alternatively create etc/brooklyn.cfg inside the distribution folder (same file format). The keys in the former override those in the latter.

Web console related configuration is done through the corresponding Karaf mechanisms:

  • The port is set in etc/org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg, key org.osgi.service.http.port.
  • For authentication the JAAS realm “webconsole” is used; by default it will use any SecurityProvider implementations configured in Brooklyn falling back to auto generating the password. To configure a custom JAAS realm see the jetty.xml file in “brooklyn-server/karaf/jetty-config/src/main/resources” and override it by creating a custom one in “etc” folder. Point the “webconsole” login service to the JAAS realm you would like to use.
  • For other Jetty related configuration consult the Karaf and pax-web docs.

Catalog in Karaf

With the traditional launcher, Brooklyn loads the initial contents of the catalog from a default.catalog.bom file as described in the section on installation. Brooklyn finds Java implementations to provide for certain things in blueprints (entities, enrichers etc.) by scanning the classpath.

In the OSGI world this approach is not used, as each bundle only has visibility of its own and its imported Java packages. Instead, in Karaf, each bundle can declare its own catalog.bom file, in the root of the bundle, with the catalog declarations for any entities etc. that the bundle contains.

For example, the catalog.bom file for Brooklyn's Webapp bundle looks like (abbreviated):

    version: ...
    - id: org.apache.brooklyn.entity.webapp.nodejs.NodeJsWebAppService
      itemType: entity
        type: org.apache.brooklyn.entity.webapp.nodejs.NodeJsWebAppService
        name: Node.JS Application
    - id: resilient-bash-web-cluster-template
      itemType: template
      name: "Template: Resilient Load-Balanced Bash Web Cluster with Sensors"
      description: |
        Sample YAML to provision a cluster of the bash/python web server nodes,
        with sensors configured, and a load balancer pointing at them,
        and resilience policies for node replacement and scaling
        name: Resilient Load-Balanced Bash Web Cluster (Brooklyn Example)

In the above YAML the first item declares that the bundle provides an entity whose type is org.apache.brooklyn.entity.webapp.nodejs.NodeJsWebAppService, and whose name is ‘Node.JS Application’. The second item declares that the bundle provides a template application, with id resilient-bash-web-cluster-template, and includes a description for what this is.

Configuring the applications in the Catalog

When running some particular deployment of Brooklyn it may not be desirable for the sample applications to appear in the catalog (for clarity, “application” here in the sense of an item with itemType: template). For example, if you have developed some bundle with your own application and added it to Karaf then you might want only your own application to appear in the catalog.

Brooklyn contains a mechanism to allow you to configure what bundles will add their applications to the catalog. The Karaf configuration file /etc/org.apache.brooklyn.core.catalog.bomscanner.cfg contains two properties, one whitelist and the other blacklist, that bundles must satisfy for their applications to be added to the catalog. Each property value is a comma-separated list of regular expressions. The symbolic id of the bundle must match one of the regular expressions on the whitelist, and not match any expression on the blacklist, if its applications are to be added to the bundle. The default values of these properties are to admit all bundles, and forbid none.


In the OSGi world specifying class names by string in Brooklyn‘s configuration will work only for classes living in Brooklyn’s core modules. Raise an issue or ping us on IRC if you find a case where this doesn't work for you. For custom SecurityProvider implementations refer to the documentation of BrooklynLoginModule.