tree: 6dc0bd2579703a115c3001da617975a311bc62c1 [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. pom.xml

Flink Netty Connector

This connector provide tcp source and http source for receiving push data, implemented by Netty.

Data Flow

+-------------+      (2)    +------------------------+
| user system |    <-----   | Third Register Service |           
+-------------+             +------------------------+
       |                                ^
       | (3)                            |
       |                                |
       V                                |
+--------------------+                  |
| Flink Netty Source |  ----------------+
+--------------------+         (1)

There are three component:

  • User System - where the data streaming come from
  • Third Register Service - receive Flink Netty Source's register request(ip and port)
  • Flink Netty Source - Netty Server for receiving pushed streaming data from User System

Maven Dependency

To use this connector, add the following dependency to your project:



Tcp Source:

val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
env.addSource(new TcpReceiverSource("msg", 7070, Some("http://localhost:9090/cb")))

paramKey: the http query param key
tryPort: try to use this point, if this point is used then try a new port callbackUrl: register connector's ip and port to a Third Register Service

Http Source:

val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
env.addSource(new TcpReceiverSource(7070, Some("http://localhost:9090/cb")))

tryPort: try to use this point, if this point is used then try a new port callbackUrl: register connector's ip and port to a Third Register Service

full example

There are two example for get start: