[BAHIR-72] support netty: pushed tcp/http connector
When source stream get start, listen a provided tcp port, receive stream data from user data source.
This netty tcp source is keepping alive and end-to-end, that is from business system to flink worker directly.
1.	source run as a netty tcp and http server
2.	user provide a tcp port, if the port is in used, increace the port number between 1024 to 65535. Source can parallel.
3.	callback the provided url to report the real port to listen
4.	user push streaming data to netty server, then collect the data to flink

This closes #7
22 files changed
tree: 3929b67e7823c9af228c6b0aa7ecbebbd6cd2b20
  1. dev/
  2. flink-connector-activemq/
  3. flink-connector-flume/
  4. flink-connector-netty/
  5. flink-connector-redis/
  6. .gitattributes
  7. .gitignore
  8. .travis.yml
  10. NOTICE
  11. pom.xml
  12. README.md
  13. scalastyle-config.xml

Apache Bahir (Flink)

Apache Bahir provides extensions to distributed analytics platforms such as Apache Sparkā„¢ and Apache FlinkĀ®.


This repository is for Apache Flink extensions.

Contributing a Flink Connector

The Bahir community is very open to new connector contributions for Apache Flink.

We ask contributors to first open a JIRA issue describing the planned changes. Please make sure to put “Flink Streaming Connector” in the “Component/s” field.

Once the community has agreed that the planned changes are suitable, you can open a pull request at the “bahir-flink” repository. Please follow the same directory structure as the existing code.

The community will review your changes, giving suggestions how to improve the code until we can merge it to the main repository.

Building Bahir

Bahir is built using Apache Maven. To build Bahir and its example programs, run:

mvn -DskipTests clean install

Running tests

Testing first requires building Bahir. Once Bahir is built, tests can be run using:

mvn test