The Asterix ADM Parser

The ADM parser inside Asterix is composed by two different components:

  • The Parser AdmTupleParser, which converts the adm tokens in internal objects
  • The Lexer AdmLexer, which scans the adm file and returns a list of adm tokens

These two classes belong to the package:


The Parser is loaded through a factory (AdmSchemafullRecordParserFactory) by

org.apache.asterix.external.dataset.adapter.FileSystemBasedAdapter extends AbstractDatasourceAdapter

How to add a new datatype

The ADM format allows two different kinds of datatype:

  • primitive
  • with constructor

A primitive datatype allows to write the actual value of the field without extra markup:

{ name : "Diego", age : 23 }

while the datatypes with constructor require to specify first the type of the value and then a string with the serialized value

{ center : point3d("P2.1,3,8.5") }

In order to add a new datatype the steps are:

  1. Add the new token to the Lexer
  • if the datatype is primite is necessary to create a TOKEN able to recognize the format of the value
  • if the datatype is with constructor is necessary to create only a TOKEN able to recognize the name of the constructor
  1. Change the Parser in order to convert correctly the new token in internal objects
  • This will require to add new cases to the switch-case statements and the introduction of a serializer/deserializer object for that datatype.

The Lexer

To add new datatype or change the tokens definition you have to change ONLY the file adm.grammar located in asterix-runtime/src/main/resources/adm.grammar The lexer will be generated from that definition file during each maven building.

The maven configuration in located in asterix-runtime/pom.xml

Author: Diego Giorgini -
6 December 2012