blob: 229864e64ad9ce675b05d96852b51d753624a76f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var App = require('app');
App.MainServiceInfoConfigsController = Em.Controller.extend({
name: 'mainServiceInfoConfigsController',
dataIsLoaded: false,
stepConfigs: [], //contains all field properties that are viewed in this service
selectedService: null,
serviceConfigTags: null,
globalConfigs: [],
uiConfigs: [],
customConfig: [],
isApplyingChanges: false,
serviceConfigs: require('data/service_configs'),
configs: require('data/config_properties').configProperties,
configMapping: require('data/config_mapping'),
customConfigs: require('data/custom_configs'),
isSubmitDisabled: function () {
return (!(this.stepConfigs.everyProperty('errorCount', 0)) || this.get('isApplyingChanges'));
}.property('stepConfigs.@each.errorCount', 'isApplyingChanges'),
slaveComponentGroups: null,
* clear and set properties to default value
clearStep: function () {
this.set('dataIsLoaded', false);
if (this.get('serviceConfigTags')) {
this.set('serviceConfigTags', null);
serviceConfigProperties: function () {
return App.db.getServiceConfigProperties();
* On load function
loadStep: function () {
console.log("TRACE: Loading configure for service");
// this.set('serviceConfigs',require('data/service_configs'));
//STEP 1: set the present state of the service Properties. State depends on array of: unique combination of type(ex. core-site) and tag (ex. version01) derived from serviceInfo desired_state
* loads Master component properties
loadMasterComponents: function () {
* loads slave Group Version from Ambari UI Database
loadSlaveComponentVersion: function () {
var self = this;
var url = App.apiPrefix + '/persist/current_version';
type: 'GET',
url: url,
timeout: 10000,
success: function (data) {
var jsonData = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
console.log("TRACE: In success function for the GET loadSlaveComponentGroup call");
console.log("TRACE: The url is: " + url);
error: function (request, ajaxOptions, error) {
console.log("TRACE: In error function for the getServciceConfigs call");
console.log("TRACE: value of the url is: " + url);
console.log("TRACE: error code status is: " + request.status);
statusCode: require('data/statusCodes')
* loads slave Group properties of currntly applid version from Ambari UI Database
loadSlaveComponentGroup: function (version) {
var self = this;
var url = App.apiPrefix + '/persist/' + version;
type: 'GET',
url: url,
timeout: 10000,
success: function (data) {
var jsonData = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
console.log("TRACE: In success function for the GET loadSlaveComponentGroup call");
console.log("TRACE: The url is: " + url);
self.set('slaveComponentGroups', jsonData[version]);
error: function (request, ajaxOptions, error) {
console.log("TRACE: In error function for the getServciceConfigs call");
console.log("TRACE: value of the url is: " + url);
console.log("TRACE: error code status is: " + request.status);
statusCode: require('data/statusCodes')
* Get the current applied slave configuration version from Ambari UI Database
getCurrentSlaveConfiguration: function () {
* Loads the advanced configs fetched from the server metadata libarary
loadAdvancedConfig: function (serviceConfigs, advancedConfig) {
advancedConfig.forEach(function (_config) {
if (_config) {
if (this.get('configMapping').someProperty('name', {
} else if (!(serviceConfigs.someProperty('name', { = "site property";
_config.category = 'Advanced';
_config.displayName =;
_config.defaultValue = _config.value;
_config.isRequired = false;
_config.isVisible = true;
_config.displayType = 'advanced';
_config.serviceName = this.get('content.serviceName');
}, this);
* Get configuration for the *-site.xml
setServciceConfigs: function () {
var self = this;
var url = App.apiPrefix + '/clusters/' + App.router.getClusterName() + '/services/' + this.get('content.serviceName');
type: 'GET',
url: url,
timeout: 10000,
dataType: 'text',
success: function (data) {
console.log("TRACE: In success function for the GET getServciceConfigs call");
console.log("TRACE: The url is: " + url);
var jsonData = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
self.set('serviceConfigTags', jsonData.ServiceInfo.desired_configs);
//STEP 2: Create an array of objects defining tagnames to be polled and new tagnames to be set after submit
//STEP 5: Add the advanced configs to the serviceConfigs property
var advancedConfig = App.router.get('installerController').loadAdvancedConfig(self.get('content.serviceName')) || [];
//STEP 3: Set globalConfigs and Get an array of serviceProperty objects
var serviceConfigs = self.getSitesConfigProperties(advancedConfig);
self.loadAdvancedConfig(serviceConfigs, advancedConfig);
var serviceConfig = self.get('serviceConfigs').findProperty('serviceName', self.get('content.serviceName'));
serviceConfig.configs = self.get('globalConfigs').concat(serviceConfigs);
self.set('dataIsLoaded', true);
error: function (request, ajaxOptions, error) {
console.log("TRACE: In error function for the getServciceConfigs call");
console.log("TRACE: value of the url is: " + url);
console.log("TRACE: error code status is: " + request.status);
statusCode: require('data/statusCodes')
* set tagnames for configuration of the *-site.xml
setServiceTagNames: function () {
console.log("TRACE: In setServiceTagNames function:");
var newServiceConfigTags = [];
var serviceConfigTags = this.get('serviceConfigTags');
for (var index in serviceConfigTags) {
console.log("The value of serviceConfigTags[index]: " + serviceConfigTags[index]);
siteName: index,
tagName: serviceConfigTags[index],
newTagName: null
}, this);
this.set('serviceConfigTags', newServiceConfigTags);
* Render a custom conf-site box for entering properties that will be written in *-site.xml files of the services
loadCustomConfig: function (serviceConfigs) {
if (this.get('customConfigs').findProperty('serviceName', this.get('content.serviceName'))) {
var customConfigs = this.get('customConfigs').filterProperty('serviceName', this.get('content.serviceName'));
customConfigs.forEach(function (_customConfig) {
var customValue = '';
var length = this.get('customConfig').length;
this.get('customConfig').forEach(function (_config, index) {
if ((_config.filename !== 'core-site.xml' && !== 'core-site') || (_config.filename === 'core-site.xml' && === 'core-site')) {
customValue += + '=' + _config.value;
if (index !== length - 1) {
customValue += '\n';
}, this);
_customConfig.value = customValue;
}, this);
* load the configs from the server
getSitesConfigProperties: function (advancedConfig) {
var serviceConfigs = [];
var globalConfigs = [];
var localServiceConfigs = this.get('serviceConfigs').findProperty('serviceName', this.get('content.serviceName'));
this.get('serviceConfigTags').forEach(function (_tag) {
var properties = this.getSiteConfigProperties(_tag.siteName, _tag.tagName);
for (var index in properties) {
var serviceConfigObj = {
name: index,
value: properties[index],
defaultValue: properties[index],
filename: _tag.siteName + ".xml"
if (this.get('configs').someProperty('name', index)) {
var configProperty = this.get('configs').findProperty('name', index);
if (this.get('configs').findProperty('name', index).isReconfigurable === false) {
serviceConfigObj.displayType = configProperty.displayType;
serviceConfigObj.isRequired = configProperty.isRequired ? configProperty.isRequired : true;
serviceConfigObj.isReconfigurable = (configProperty.isReconfigurable !== undefined) ? configProperty.isReconfigurable : true;
serviceConfigObj.isVisible = (configProperty.isVisible !== undefined) ? configProperty.isVisible : true;
serviceConfigObj.unit = (configProperty.unit !== undefined) ? configProperty.unit : undefined;
serviceConfigObj.description = (configProperty.description !== undefined) ? configProperty.description : undefined;
serviceConfigObj.displayType = this.get('configs').someProperty('name', index) ? this.get('configs').findProperty('name', index).displayType : null;
serviceConfigObj.isRequired = this.get('configs').someProperty('name', index) ? this.get('configs').findProperty('name', index).isRequired : null;
if (_tag.siteName === 'global') {
if (this.get('configs').someProperty('name', index)) {
var item = this.get('configs').findProperty('name', index);
if (item.displayType === 'int') {
if (/\d+m$/.test(properties[index])) {
serviceConfigObj.value = properties[index].slice(0, properties[index].length - 1);
serviceConfigObj.defaultValue = serviceConfigObj.value;
if (item.displayType === 'checkbox') {
switch (properties[index]) {
case 'true' :
serviceConfigObj.value = true;
serviceConfigObj.defaultValue = true;
case 'false' :
serviceConfigObj.value = false;
serviceConfigObj.defaultValue = false;
} = 'puppet var';
serviceConfigObj.serviceName = this.get('configs').someProperty('name', index) ? this.get('configs').findProperty('name', index).serviceName : null;
serviceConfigObj.displayName = this.get('configs').someProperty('name', index) ? this.get('configs').findProperty('name', index).displayName : null;
serviceConfigObj.category = this.get('configs').someProperty('name', index) ? this.get('configs').findProperty('name', index).category : null;
serviceConfigObj.options = this.get('configs').someProperty('name', index) ? this.get('configs').findProperty('name', index).options : null;
} else if (!this.get('configMapping').someProperty('name', index)) {
if (advancedConfig.someProperty('name', index)) { = 'site property';
serviceConfigObj.serviceName = this.get('content.serviceName');
serviceConfigObj.category = 'Advanced';
serviceConfigObj.displayName = index;
serviceConfigObj.displayType = 'advanced';
if (advancedConfig.findProperty('name', index).filename) {
serviceConfigObj.filename = advancedConfig.findProperty('name', index).filename;
} else { = 'conf-site';
serviceConfigObj.serviceName = this.get('content.serviceName');
}, this);
this.set('globalConfigs', globalConfigs);
return serviceConfigs;
* return site config properties
* @param sitename
* @param tagname
* @return {Object}
getSiteConfigProperties: function (sitename, tagname) {
var self = this;
var properties = {};
var url = App.apiPrefix + '/clusters/' + App.router.getClusterName() + '/configurations/?type=' + sitename + '&tag=' + tagname;
type: 'GET',
url: url,
async: false,
timeout: 10000,
dataType: 'json',
success: function (data) {
console.log("TRACE: In success function for the GET getSiteConfigProperties call");
console.log("TRACE: The url is: " + url);
properties = data.items.findProperty('tag', tagname).properties;
console.log("The value of config properties is: " + properties);
error: function (request, ajaxOptions, error) {
console.log("TRACE: In error function for the getServciceConfigs call");
console.log("TRACE: value of the url is: " + url);
console.log("TRACE: error code status is: " + request.status);
statusCode: require('data/statusCodes')
return properties;
* Render configs for active services
* @param serviceConfigs
renderServiceConfigs: function (serviceConfigs) {
var serviceConfig = App.ServiceConfig.create({
filename: serviceConfigs.filename,
serviceName: serviceConfigs.serviceName,
displayName: serviceConfigs.displayName,
configCategories: serviceConfigs.configCategories,
configs: []
if ((this.get('content.serviceName') && this.get('content.serviceName').toUpperCase() === serviceConfig.serviceName) || serviceConfig.serviceName === 'MISC') {
this.loadComponentConfigs(serviceConfigs, serviceConfig);
console.log('pushing ' + serviceConfig.serviceName);
} else {
console.log('skipping ' + serviceConfig.serviceName);
this.set('selectedService', this.get('stepConfigs').objectAt(0));
* Load child components to service config object
* @param _componentConfig
* @param componentConfig
loadComponentConfigs: function (_componentConfig, componentConfig) {
_componentConfig.configs.forEach(function (_serviceConfigProperty) {
console.log("config", _serviceConfigProperty);
if (!_serviceConfigProperty) return;
var serviceConfigProperty = App.ServiceConfigProperty.create(_serviceConfigProperty);
if (serviceConfigProperty.get('serviceName') === this.get('content.serviceName')) {
// serviceConfigProperty.serviceConfig = componentConfig;
if (App.db.getUser().admin) {
serviceConfigProperty.set('isEditable', serviceConfigProperty.get('isReconfigurable'));
} else {
serviceConfigProperty.set('isEditable', false);
console.log("config result", serviceConfigProperty);
} else {
serviceConfigProperty.set('isVisible', false);
}, this);
* open popup with appropriate message
restartServicePopup: function (event) {
var header;
var message;
var value;
var flag;
if ((this.get('content.serviceName') !== 'HDFS' && this.get('content.isStopped') === true) || (this.get('content.serviceName') === 'HDFS') && this.get('content.isStopped') === true && App.Service.find('MAPREDUCE').get('isStopped')) {
var result = this.saveServiceConfigProperties();
flag = result.flag;
if (flag === true) {
header = 'Start Service';
message = 'Service configuration applied successfully';
} else {
header = 'Faliure';
message = result.message;
value = result.value;
} else {
if (this.get('content.serviceName') !== 'HDFS') {
header = 'Stop Service';
message = 'Stop the service and wait till it stops completely. Thereafter you can apply configuration changes';
} else {
header = 'Stop Services';
message = 'Stop HDFS and MapReduce. Wait till both of them stops completely. Thereafter you can apply configuration changes';
header: header,
primary: 'OK',
secondary: null,
onPrimary: function () {
bodyClass: Ember.View.extend({
flag: flag,
message: message,
siteProperties: value,
getDisplayMessage: function () {
var displayMsg = [];
var siteProperties = this.get('siteProperties');
if (siteProperties) {
siteProperties.forEach(function (_siteProperty) {
var displayProperty = _siteProperty.siteProperty;
var displayNames = _siteProperty.displayNames;
if (displayNames && displayNames.length) {
if (displayNames.length === 1) {
displayMsg.push(displayProperty + ' as ' + displayNames[0]);
} else {
var name;
displayNames.forEach(function (_name, index) {
if (index === 0) {
name = _name;
} else if (index === siteProperties.length - 1) {
name = name + ' and ' + _name;
} else {
name = name + ', ' + _name;
}, this);
displayMsg.push(displayProperty + ' as ' + name);
} else {
}, this);
return displayMsg;
template: Ember.Handlebars.compile([
'{{#unless view.flag}}',
'<div class="pre-scrollable" style="max-height: 250px;">',
'{{#each val in view.getDisplayMessage}}',
* Save config properties
saveServiceConfigProperties: function () {
var result = {
flag: false,
message: null,
value: null
var configs = this.get('stepConfigs').findProperty('serviceName', this.get('content.serviceName')).get('configs');
var customConfigResult = this.setCustomConfigs();
result.flag = customConfigResult.flag;
result.value = customConfigResult.value;
For now, we are skipping validation checks to see if the user is overriding already-defined paramaters, as
the user needs this flexibility. We may turn this back on as a warning in the future...
if (result.flag !== true) {
result.message = 'Error in custom configuration. Some properties entered in the box are already exposed on this page';
return result;
result.flag = result.flag && this.createConfigurations();
if (result.flag === true) {
if (this.get('content.serviceName') !== 'HDFS') {
result.flag = this.applyCreatedConfToService(this.get('content.serviceName'));
} else {
result.flag = this.applyCreatedConfToService(this.get('content.serviceName')) && this.applyCreatedConfToService('MAPREDUCE');
} else {
result.message = 'Faliure in applying service configuration';
console.log("The result from applyCreatdConfToService is: " + result);
return result;
* save new or change exist configs in global configs
* @param configs
saveGlobalConfigs: function (configs) {
var globalConfigs = this.get('globalConfigs');
configs.filterProperty('id', 'puppet var').forEach(function (_config) {
if (globalConfigs.someProperty('name', {
globalConfigs.findProperty('name', = _config.value;
} else {
value: _config.value
}, this);
this.set('globalConfigs', globalConfigs);
* set hive hostnames in global configs
* @param globals
setHiveHostName: function (globals) {
if (globals.someProperty('name', 'hive_database')) {
//TODO: Hive host depends on the type of db selected. Change puppet variable name if postgres is not the default db
var hiveDb = globals.findProperty('name', 'hive_database');
if (hiveDb.value === 'New MySQL Database') {
if (globals.someProperty('name', 'hive_ambari_host')) {
globals.findProperty('name', 'hive_ambari_host').name = 'hive_mysql_hostname';
globals = globals.without(globals.findProperty('name', 'hive_existing_host'));
globals = globals.without(globals.findProperty('name', 'hive_existing_database'));
} else {
globals.findProperty('name', 'hive_existing_host').name = 'hive_mysql_hostname';
globals = globals.without(globals.findProperty('name', 'hive_ambari_host'));
globals = globals.without(globals.findProperty('name', 'hive_ambari_database'));
* save site configs
* @param configs
saveSiteConfigs: function (configs) {
var storedConfigs = configs.filterProperty('id', 'site property').filterProperty('value');
var uiConfigs = this.loadUiSideConfigs();
this.set('uiConfigs', storedConfigs.concat(uiConfigs));
* return configs from the UI side
* @return {Array}
loadUiSideConfigs: function () {
var uiConfig = [];
var configs = this.get('configMapping').filterProperty('foreignKey', null);
configs.forEach(function (_config) {
var value = this.getGlobConfigValue(_config.templateName, _config.value,;
if (value !== null) {
"id": "site property",
"value": value,
"filename": _config.filename
}, this);
var dependentConfig = this.get('configMapping').filterProperty('foreignKey');
dependentConfig.forEach(function (_config) {
this.setConfigValue(uiConfig, _config);
"id": "site property",
"name": _config._name ||,
"value": _config.value,
"filename": _config.filename
}, this);
return uiConfig;
* return global config value
* @param templateName
* @param expression
* @param name
* @return {*}
getGlobConfigValue: function (templateName, expression, name) {
var express = expression.match(/<(.*?)>/g);
var value = expression;
if (express == null) {
return expression;
express.forEach(function (_express) {
//console.log("The value of template is: " + _express);
var index = parseInt(_express.match(/\[([\d]*)(?=\])/)[1]);
if (this.get('globalConfigs').someProperty('name', templateName[index])) {
//console.log("The name of the variable is: " + this.get('content.serviceConfigProperties').findProperty('name', templateName[index]).name);
var globValue = this.get('globalConfigs').findProperty('name', templateName[index]).value;
// Hack for templeton.zookeeper.hosts
if (value !== null) { // if the property depends on more than one template name like <templateName[0]>/<templateName[1]> then don't proceed to the next if the prior is null or not found in the global configs
if (name === "templeton.zookeeper.hosts" || name === 'hbase.zookeeper.quorum') {
var zooKeeperPort = '2181';
if (typeof globValue === 'string') {
var temp = [];
globValue = temp;
if (name === "templeton.zookeeper.hosts") {
var temp = [];
globValue.forEach(function (_host, index) {
temp.push(globValue[index] + ':' + zooKeeperPort);
}, this);
globValue = temp;
value = value.replace(_express, globValue.toString());
} else {
value = value.replace(_express, globValue);
} else {
console.log("ERROR: The variable name is: " + templateName[index]);
console.log("ERROR: mapped config from configMapping file has no corresponding variable in " +
"content.serviceConfigProperties. Two possible reasons for the error could be: 1) The service is not selected. " +
"and/OR 2) The service_config metadata file has no corresponding global var for the site property variable");
value = null;
}, this);
return value;
* Set all site property that are derived from other site-properties
setConfigValue: function (uiConfig, config) {
if (config.value == null) {
var fkValue = config.value.match(/<(foreignKey.*?)>/g);
if (fkValue) {
fkValue.forEach(function (_fkValue) {
var index = parseInt(_fkValue.match(/\[([\d]*)(?=\])/)[1]);
if (uiConfig.someProperty('name', config.foreignKey[index])) {
var globalValue = uiConfig.findProperty('name', config.foreignKey[index]).value;
config.value = config.value.replace(_fkValue, globalValue);
} else if (this.get('globalConfigs').someProperty('name', config.foreignKey[index])) {
var globalValue;
if (this.get('globalConfigs').findProperty('name', config.foreignKey[index]).value === '') {
globalValue = this.get('globalConfigs').findProperty('name', config.foreignKey[index]).defaultValue;
} else {
globalValue = this.get('globalConfigs').findProperty('name', config.foreignKey[index]).value;
config.value = config.value.replace(_fkValue, globalValue);
}, this);
if (fkValue =<(foreignKey.*?)>/g)) {
fkValue.forEach(function (_fkValue) {
var index = parseInt(_fkValue.match(/\[([\d]*)(?=\])/)[1]);
if (uiConfig.someProperty('name', config.foreignKey[index])) {
var globalValue = uiConfig.findProperty('name', config.foreignKey[index]).value;
config._name =, globalValue);
} else if (this.get('globalConfigs').someProperty('name', config.foreignKey[index])) {
var globalValue;
if (this.get('globalConfigs').findProperty('name', config.foreignKey[index]).value === '') {
globalValue = this.get('globalConfigs').findProperty('name', config.foreignKey[index]).defaultValue;
} else {
globalValue = this.get('globalConfigs').findProperty('name', config.foreignKey[index]).value;
config._name =, globalValue);
}, this);
//For properties in the configMapping file having foreignKey and templateName properties.
var templateValue = config.value.match(/<(templateName.*?)>/g);
if (templateValue) {
templateValue.forEach(function (_value) {
var index = parseInt(_value.match(/\[([\d]*)(?=\])/)[1]);
if (this.get('globalConfigs').someProperty('name', config.templateName[index])) {
var globalValue = this.get('globalConfigs').findProperty('name', config.templateName[index]).value;
config.value = config.value.replace(_value, globalValue);
} else {
config.value = null;
}, this);
* try to create configuration and return true for success or false for failure
* @return {Boolean}
createConfigurations: function () {
var result = true;
var serviceConfigTags = this.get('serviceConfigTags');
serviceConfigTags.forEach(function (_serviceTags) {
if (_serviceTags.siteName === 'global') {
console.log("TRACE: Inside global");
result = result && this.createConfigSite(this.createGlobalSiteObj(_serviceTags.newTagName));
} else if (_serviceTags.siteName === 'core-site') {
console.log("TRACE: Inside core-site");
if (this.get('content.serviceName') === 'HDFS') {
result = result && this.createConfigSite(this.createCoreSiteObj(_serviceTags.newTagName));
} else {
result = result && this.createConfigSite(this.createSiteObj(_serviceTags.siteName, _serviceTags.newTagName));
}, this);
return result;
* add newTagName property to each config in serviceConfigs
* @param serviceConfigs
setNewTagNames: function (serviceConfigs) {
var time = (new Date).getTime();
serviceConfigs.forEach(function (_serviceConfigs) {
_serviceConfigs.newTagName = 'version' + time;
}, this);
* send request to the server to create configs and return true for success and false for failure
* @param data
* @return {*}
createConfigSite: function (data) {
var result;
var realData = data;
console.log("Inside createConfigSite");
var clusterName = App.router.getClusterName();
var url = App.apiPrefix + '/clusters/' + clusterName + '/configurations';
type: 'POST',
url: url,
data: JSON.stringify(data),
async: false,
dataType: 'text',
timeout: 5000,
success: function (data) {
var jsonData = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
result = true;
console.log("TRACE: In success function for the createConfigSite");
console.log("TRACE: value of the url is: " + url);
console.log("TRACE: value of the received data is: " + jsonData);
error: function (request, ajaxOptions, error) {
result = false;
console.log('TRACE: In Error ');
console.log("The original data was: " + JSON.stringify(realData));
console.log('TRACE: Error message is: ' + request.responseText);
console.log("TRACE: value of the url is: " + url);
statusCode: require('data/statusCodes')
console.log("Exiting createConfigSite");
console.log("Value of result is: " + result);
return result;
* create global site object
* @param tagName
* @return {Object}
createGlobalSiteObj: function (tagName) {
var globalSiteProperties = {};
this.get('globalConfigs').forEach(function (_globalSiteObj) {
// do not pass any globalConfigs whose name ends with _host or _hosts
if (!/_hosts?$/.test( {
// append "m" to JVM memory options except for hadoop_heapsize
if (/_heapsize|_newsize|_maxnewsize$/.test( && !== 'hadoop_heapsize') {
_globalSiteObj.value += "m";
globalSiteProperties[] = _globalSiteObj.value;
//console.log("TRACE: name of the global property is: " +;
//console.log("TRACE: value of the global property is: " + _globalSiteObj.value);
}, this);
return {"type": "global", "tag": tagName, "properties": globalSiteProperties};
* create core site object
* @param tagName
* @return {Object}
createCoreSiteObj: function (tagName) {
var coreSiteObj = this.get('uiConfigs').filterProperty('filename', 'core-site.xml');
var coreSiteProperties = {};
// hadoop.proxyuser.oozie.hosts needs to be skipped if oozie is not selected
var isOozieSelected = App.Service.find().someProperty('serviceName', 'OOZIE');
var oozieUser = this.get('globalConfigs').someProperty('name', 'oozie_user') ? this.get('globalConfigs').findProperty('name', 'oozie_user').value : null;
var isHiveSelected = App.Service.find().someProperty('serviceName', 'HIVE');
var hiveUser = this.get('globalConfigs').someProperty('name', 'hive_user') ? this.get('globalConfigs').findProperty('name', 'hive_user').value : null;
var isHcatSelected = App.Service.find().someProperty('serviceName', 'WEBHCAT');
var hcatUser = this.get('globalConfigs').someProperty('name', 'hcat_user') ? this.get('globalConfigs').findProperty('name', 'hcat_user').value : null;
coreSiteObj.forEach(function (_coreSiteObj) {
if ((isOozieSelected || ( != 'hadoop.proxyuser.' + oozieUser + '.hosts' && != 'hadoop.proxyuser.' + oozieUser + '.groups')) && (isHiveSelected || ( != 'hadoop.proxyuser.' + hiveUser + '.hosts' && != 'hadoop.proxyuser.' + hiveUser + '.groups')) && (isHcatSelected || ( != 'hadoop.proxyuser.' + hcatUser + '.hosts' && != 'hadoop.proxyuser.' + hcatUser + '.groups'))) {
coreSiteProperties[] = _coreSiteObj.value;
//console.log("TRACE: name of the property is: " +;
//console.log("TRACE: value of the property is: " + _coreSiteObj.value);
}, this);
return {"type": "core-site", "tag": tagName, "properties": coreSiteProperties};
* create site object
* @param siteName
* @param tagName
* @return {Object}
createSiteObj: function (siteName, tagName) {
var siteObj = this.get('uiConfigs').filterProperty('filename', siteName + '.xml');
var siteProperties = {};
siteObj.forEach(function (_siteObj) {
siteProperties[] = _siteObj.value;
}, this);
return {"type": siteName, "tag": tagName, "properties": siteProperties};
* apply created configs to service and return true for success and false for failure
* @param serviceName
* @return {*}
applyCreatedConfToService: function (serviceName) {
var result;
var clusterName = App.router.getClusterName();
var url = App.apiPrefix + '/clusters/' + clusterName + '/services/' + serviceName;
var data = this.getConfigForService(serviceName);
var realData = data;
type: 'PUT',
url: url,
async: false,
dataType: 'text',
data: JSON.stringify(data),
timeout: 5000,
success: function (data) {
var jsonData = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
console.log("TRACE: In success function for the applyCreatedConfToService call");
console.log("TRACE: value of the url is: " + url);
result = true;
error: function (request, ajaxOptions, error) {
console.log('Error: In Error of apply');
console.log("The original data was: " + JSON.stringify(realData));
console.log('Error: Error message is: ' + request.responseText);
result = false;
statusCode: require('data/statusCodes')
console.log("Exiting applyCreatedConfToService");
console.log("Value of result is: " + result);
return result;
* return config for service
* @param serviceName
* @return {Object}
getConfigForService: function (serviceName) {
var data = {config: {}};
this.get('serviceConfigTags').forEach(function (_serviceTag) {
if (_serviceTag.siteName === 'core-site') {
if (this.get('content.serviceName') === 'HDFS') {
data.config[_serviceTag.siteName] = _serviceTag.newTagName;
} else {
data.config[_serviceTag.siteName] = _serviceTag.tagName;
} else if (this.get('content.serviceName') === serviceName) {
data.config[_serviceTag.siteName] = _serviceTag.newTagName;
}, this);
return data;
* return custom comfig
* @return {Object}
setCustomConfigs: function () {
var site = this.get('stepConfigs').findProperty('serviceName', this.get('content.serviceName')).get('configs').filterProperty('id', 'conf-site');
var siteProperties = [];
var flag = true;
site.forEach(function (_site) {
var keyValue = _site.value.split(/\n+/);
if (keyValue) {
keyValue.forEach(function (_keyValue) {
console.log("The value of the keyValue is: " + _keyValue.trim());
_keyValue = _keyValue.trim();
// split on the first = encountered (the value may contain ='s)
var matches = _keyValue.match(/^([^=]+)=(.*)$/);
if (matches) {
var key = matches[1];
var value = matches[2];
// Check that entered config is allowed to reconfigure
if (this.get('uiConfigs').filterProperty('filename', + '.xml').someProperty('name', key)) {
var property = {
siteProperty: null,
displayNames: []
if ( !== 'core-site') {
property.siteProperty = key;
if (this.get('configMapping').someProperty('name', key)) {
this.setPropertyDisplayNames(property.displayNames, this.get('configMapping').findProperty('name', key).templateName);
flag = false;
} else {
this.setSiteProperty(key, value, + '.xml');
} else if (flag) {
this.setSiteProperty(key, value, + '.xml');
}, this);
}, this);
var result = {
flag: flag,
value: siteProperties
return result;
* Set display names of the property tfrom he puppet/global names
* @param: displayNames: a field to be set with displayNames
* @param names: array of property puppet/global names
setPropertyDisplayNames: function (displayNames, names) {
var stepConfigs = this.get('stepConfigs').findProperty('serviceName', this.get('content.serviceName')).configs;
names.forEach(function (_name, index) {
if (stepConfigs.someProperty('name', _name)) {
displayNames.push(stepConfigs.findProperty('name', _name).displayName);
}, this);
* Set property of the site variable
setSiteProperty: function (key, value, filename) {
if (filename === 'core-site.xml' && this.get('uiConfigs').filterProperty('filename', 'core-site.xml').someProperty('name', key)) {
this.get('uiConfigs').filterProperty('filename', 'core-site.xml').findProperty('name', key).value = value;
"id": "site property",
"name": key,
"value": value,
"filename": filename
* return either specific url for request if testMode is false or testUrl
* @param testUrl
* @param url
* @return {*}
getUrl: function (testUrl, url) {
return (App.testMode) ? testUrl : App.apiPrefix + '/clusters/' + App.router.getClusterName() + url;
* Adds host name of master component to global config;
addHostNamesToGlobalConfig: function () {
var serviceName = this.get('content.serviceName');
var globalConfigs = this.get('globalConfigs');
var serviceConfigs = this.get('serviceConfigs').findProperty('serviceName', serviceName).configs;
//namenode_host is required to derive "" a property of core-site
var nameNodeHost = this.get('serviceConfigs').findProperty('serviceName', 'HDFS').configs.findProperty('name', 'namenode_host');
nameNodeHost.defaultValue = App.Service.find('HDFS').get('hostComponents').findProperty('componentName', 'NAMENODE').get('host.hostName');
var zooKeperHost = this.get('serviceConfigs').findProperty('serviceName', 'ZOOKEEPER').configs.findProperty('name', 'zookeeperserver_hosts');
if (serviceName === 'ZOOKEEPER' || serviceName === 'HBASE' || serviceName === 'WEBHCAT') {
zooKeperHost.defaultValue = App.Service.find('ZOOKEEPER').get('hostComponents').filterProperty('componentName', 'ZOOKEEPER_SERVER').mapProperty('host.hostName');
switch (serviceName) {
case 'HDFS':
var sNameNodeHost = serviceConfigs.findProperty('name', 'snamenode_host');
sNameNodeHost.defaultValue = this.get('content.hostComponents').findProperty('componentName', 'SECONDARY_NAMENODE').get('host.hostName');
var jobTrackerHost = serviceConfigs.findProperty('name', 'jobtracker_host');
jobTrackerHost.defaultValue = this.get('content.hostComponents').findProperty('componentName', 'JOBTRACKER').get('host.hostName');
case 'HIVE':
var hiveMetastoreHost = serviceConfigs.findProperty('name', 'hivemetastore_host');
hiveMetastoreHost.defaultValue = this.get('content.hostComponents').findProperty('componentName', 'HIVE_SERVER').get('host.hostName');
case 'OOZIE':
var oozieServerHost = serviceConfigs.findProperty('name', 'oozieserver_host');
oozieServerHost.defaultValue = this.get('content.hostComponents').findProperty('componentName', 'OOZIE_SERVER').get('host.hostName');
case 'HBASE':
var hbaseMasterHost = serviceConfigs.findProperty('name', 'hbasemaster_host');
hbaseMasterHost.defaultValue = this.get('content.hostComponents').findProperty('componentName', 'HBASE_MASTER').get('host.hostName');
App.MainServiceSlaveComponentGroupsController = App.SlaveComponentGroupsController.extend({
name: 'mainServiceSlaveComponentGroupsController',
contentBinding: 'App.router.mainServiceInfoConfigsController.slaveComponentGroups',
stepConfigsBinding: 'App.router.mainServiceInfoConfigsController.stepConfigs',
serviceBinding: 'App.router.mainServiceInfoConfigsController.selectedService'