SNMP MIB and Script Extension

This extension is meant to be used with Ambari 2.1 or later and uses the capabilities introduced in AMBARI-9919 to delegate alerts to an external script.

In this case, the external script is used to invoke the snmptrap command from the net-snmp Linux packages to issue an SNMP trap to a specific destination.

In order to wire this script up to Ambari the following procedures should be followed as the root user, or with a user with equivalent sudo access:

Install SNMP Utils

yum install net-snmp net-snmp-utils net-snmp-libs -y

Make SNMP Utils aware of the Apache Ambari MIB

cp APACHE-AMBARI-MIB.txt /usr/share/snmp/mibs

Startup a simple SNMP trap daemon to log all traps to the /tmp/traps.log file for testing purposes.

nohup snmptrapd -m ALL -A -n -Lf /tmp/traps.log &

Invoke a test trap to ensure that the snmptrapd is logging appropriately to /tmp/traps.log and the Apache Ambari MIB is being respected.

snmptrap -v 2c -c public localhost '' APACHE-AMBARI-MIB::apacheAmbariAlert alertDefinitionName s "definitionName" alertDefinitionHash s "definitionHash" alertName s "name" alertText s "text" alertState i 0 alertHost s "host" alertService s "service" alertComponent s "component"

You should see this in /tmp/traps.log.

2015-09-03 05:14:30 UDP: []:45431->[] [UDP: []:45431->[]]:
DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance = Timeticks: (15638958) 1 day, 19:26:29.58	SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapOID.0 = OID: APACHE-AMBARI-MIB::apacheAmbariAlert	APACHE-AMBARI-MIB::alertDefinitionName = STRING: "definitionName"	APACHE-AMBARI-MIB::alertDefinitionHash = STRING: "definitionHash"	APACHE-AMBARI-MIB::alertName = STRING: "name"	APACHE-AMBARI-MIB::alertText = STRING: "text"	APACHE-AMBARI-MIB::alertState = INTEGER: ok(0)	APACHE-AMBARI-MIB::alertHost = STRING: "host"	APACHE-AMBARI-MIB::alertService = STRING: "service"	APACHE-AMBARI-MIB::alertComponent = STRING: "component"

Once that output has been validated, it's time to make Ambari aware of the script to begin sending SNMP traps that conform to it.

Create a file that contains the script, named /tmp/, in this example. It's recommended to create this file in a more permanent directory for actual use.

Add the following line to the /etc/ambari-server/conf/ file


Restart Ambari using ambari-server restart

Now, we need to use the API to add an alert target for this script. The following content needs to be POST'd to /api/v1/alert_targets.

  "AlertTarget": {
    "name": "SNMP_MIB",
    "description": "SNMP MIB Target",
    "notification_type": "ALERT_SCRIPT",
    "global": true,
    "properties": {
        "ambari.dispatch-property.script": "org.apache.ambari.contrib.snmp.script"

You'll notice the link between the alert target and the script is this property reference: org.apache.ambari.contrib.snmp.script.

At this point each alert will send an SNMP trap to the local trap daemon and an entry will be recorded in /tmp/traps.log.