blob: 5e745a45253e93d8cc7f2f430f631ee12fc74005 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var App = require('app');
var filters = require('views/common/filter_view');
var sort = require('views/common/sort_view');
App.MainHostStackVersionsView = App.TableView.extend({
templateName: require('templates/main/host/stack_versions'),
classNames: ['host-tab-content'],
* @type {Ember.Object}
host: Em.computed.alias('App.router.mainHostDetailsController.content'),
* @type {Ember.Array}
content: Em.computed.filterBy('host.stackVersions', 'isVisible', true),
* return filtered number of all content number information displayed on the page footer bar
* @returns {string}
filteredContentInfo: Em.computed.i18nFormat('', 'filteredCount', 'totalCount'),
* @type {Ember.View}
sortView: sort.wrapperView,
* @type {Ember.View}
stackSort: sort.fieldView.extend({
column: 1,
name: 'stack',
displayName: Em.I18n.t('common.stack'),
type: 'version'
* @type {Ember.View}
repoVersionSort: sort.fieldView.extend({
column: 2,
name: 'displayName',
displayName: Em.I18n.t(''),
type: 'version'
* @type {Ember.View}
statusSort: sort.fieldView.extend({
column: 3,
name: 'status',
displayName: Em.I18n.t('common.status')
* Filter view for stackName column
* Based on <code>filters</code> library
* @type {Ember.View}
stackFilterView: filters.createSelectView({
column: 1,
fieldType: 'filter-input-width',
content: function () {
return [
value: '',
label: Em.I18n.t('common.all')
].concat(this.get('parentView.content').mapProperty('stack').uniq().map(function (item) {
return {
value: item,
label: item
onChangeValue: function () {
this.get('parentView').updateFilter(this.get('column'), this.get('value'), 'select');
* Filter view for version column
* Based on <code>filters</code> library
* @type {Ember.View}
repoVersionFilterView: filters.createSelectView({
column: 2,
fieldType: 'filter-input-width',
content: function () {
return [
value: '',
label: Em.I18n.t('common.all')
].concat(this.get('parentView.content').mapProperty('displayName').uniq().map(function (version) {
return {
value: version,
label: version
onChangeValue: function () {
this.get('parentView').updateFilter(this.get('column'), this.get('value'), 'select');
* Filter view for status column
* Based on <code>filters</code> library
* @type {Ember.View}
statusFilterView: filters.createSelectView({
column: 3,
fieldType: 'filter-input-width',
content: function () {
return [
value: '',
label: Em.I18n.t('common.all')
].concat( (status) {
return {
value: status,
label: App.HostStackVersion.formatStatus(status)
onChangeValue: function () {
this.get('parentView').updateFilter(this.get('column'), this.get('value'), 'select');
* show progress of installation of version on host
showInstallProgress: function (event) {
outOfSyncInfo: Em.View.extend({
tagName: 'i',
classNames: ['icon-question-sign'],
didInsertElement: function() {
App.tooltip($(this.get('element')), {
placement: "top",
title: Em.I18n.t('')
willDestroyElement: function () {
* @type {Array}
colPropAssoc: function () {
var associations = [];
associations[1] = 'stack';
associations[2] = 'displayName';
associations[3] = 'status';
return associations;