Apache Airavata....

  • A distributed framework that supports execution and management of computational scientific applications and workflows in grid based systems, remote clusters and cloud based systems.
  • Primarily focused on submitting and managing application executions and workflows in grid based systems.
  • Architecturally extensible to support other underlying resources.
  • Used by scientific gateway developers as their middleware layer. They can directly call Airavata API in order to communicate with grid based system.
  • Provides a desktop tools and browser-based web interface components for managing applications, workflows and generated data.
  • Contains sophisticated server-side tools for registering and managing scientific applications on computational resources.

For more information on Airavata visit; Apache Airavata

The Installation section of the documentation applies to on-premise installation of Apache Airavata.

If you are interested to rather use a hosted version, you can contact a downstream project Science Gateways Platform as a Service (SciGaP).
SciGaP runs Apache Airavata as platform services.