Apache Accumulo Word Count example

The WordCount example (WordCount.java) uses MapReduce and Accumulo to compute word counts for a set of documents. This is accomplished using a map-only MapReduce job and an Accumulo table with combiners.

To run this example, create a directory in HDFS containing text files. You can use the Accumulo README for data:

$ hdfs dfs -mkdir /wc
$ hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal /path/to/accumulo/README.md /wc/README.md

Verify that the file was created:

$ hdfs dfs -ls /wc

After creating the table, run the WordCount MapReduce job with your HDFS input directory:

$ ./bin/runmr mapreduce.WordCount -i /wc

WordCount.java creates an Accumulo table named with a SummingCombiner iterator attached to it. It runs a map-only M/R job that reads the specified HDFS directory containing text files and writes word counts to Accumulo table.

After the MapReduce job completes, query the Accumulo table to see word counts.

$ accumulo shell
username@instance> table examples.wordcount
username@instance examples.wordcount> scan -b the
the count:20080906 []    75
their count:20080906 []    2
them count:20080906 []    1
then count:20080906 []    1

When the WordCount MapReduce job was run above, the client properties were serialized into the MapReduce configuration. This is insecure if the properties contain sensitive information like passwords. A more secure option is store accumulo-client.properties in HDFS and run the job with the -D options. This will configure the MapReduce job to obtain the client properties from HDFS:

$ hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal ./conf/accumulo-client.properties /user/myuser/
$ ./bin/runmr mapreduce.WordCount -i /wc -t examples.wordcount2 -d /user/myuser/accumulo-client.properties

After the MapReduce job completes, query the wordcount2 table. The results should be the same as before:

$ accumulo shell
username@instance> table examples.wordcount2
username@instance examples.wordcount2> scan -b the
the count:20080906 []    75
their count:20080906 []    2